Kelly Grevera: GNA’s Most Artistic Female
The Class of 2023’s Senior Superlatives have officially been unveiled, and the winners for all categories have been recognized. Today, I had the pleasure of speaking with the 2023 “Most Artistically Inclined Female” winner, Kelly Grevera.
Kelly is a professional-level dancer and performer. Over the last few years, Kelly has traveled all across the country competing in various competitions, while also maintaining incredible performance academically.
N: ‘How does it feel to be your class’s art superlative?’
K: “I am grateful to represent my class’s art superlative and be recognized for my hard work and dedication toward my craft. I hope to inspire others through my work and be a role model for younger students involved in the arts.”
N: ‘Describe what dance is / what it means to you.’
K: “Dance is a form of expression that is used to communicate with others through movement and has been around since the start of civilization. It is used to tell a story through movements with aesthetics and allows audiences to connect to the music and creativity. It is so special that dance is used as a way to express emotions and can be achieved by anyone.”
N: ‘When and why did you start pursuing dance?’
K: “I began training to dance at the age of 5 at the David Blight School of Dance after begging my parents to put me in class for years. Before training, I would go to bazaars, listen to the bands play, and simply just dance. Over time, I bought my first cd and created my own choreography at home.”
N: ‘Did you expect to be in the running for this superlative or did this come as a shock?’
K: “I honestly didn’t expect to win. After the announcement, I was excited and honored to represent this superlative.”
N: ‘What is your favorite piece you’ve ever performed?’
K: “I have so many pieces that it’s difficult to choose, but my favorite has to be “The Star Spangled Banner,” a contemporary piece choreographed by Rachel Kollar. It has always held a special place in my heart and sends chills down my spine every time I perform it.”
N: ‘What would you say to anyone who has an interest in learning how to do what you do?’
K: “It is possible for anyone of any age or level to get involved in the arts whether it is in school or the community. There are so many options within the community to train to be a dancer, singer, or actor. If you are passionate about it, you should work towards your goal. You will gain many new experiences, work with others, and meet so many new people.”
Kelly will continue to dance professionally for years to come and continue to represent the GNA Class of 2023 as our Most Artistic Female.

My name is Nicholas Neipert, and I am in my 11th year of schooling, my 7th here at GNA. Prior to my GNA days, I attended 10+ different schools, all across...