Mix It Up

This Friday, October 26, Spanish Honors Society is initiating its first Mix It Up Day. It is organized by Mrs. Kelchner, who is encouraging all current members of the Spanish Honors Society, all teachers, and all other students to participate. On this day, everyone is encouraged to sit by a different person at lunch, one who they have never sat by before. They do this by first getting people to sign up in their homerooms, and then reporting to lunch that day, where teachers will be waiting for them, and each student will be placed at a different table marked by a color coded system.

They are then encouraged to talk to the new student(s), pertaining to things about their hobbies, sports they participate in, etc. To make sure there is no awkward silence: there will be conversation starters on the tables. By the end of the lunch period, Mrs. Kelchner hopes that the students would make new connections with other students. If the project succeeds, then Mrs. Kelchner will initiate it once more next year, and the following years if the same results continue.