Novelette project


The purpose of creative writing is to both entertain and share human experience, like love or loss. Writers attempt to get at a truth about humanity through poetics and storytelling.

The reason I took creative writing because I love writing, and I have always wanted to be a writer, so the challenges the teacher gives us is amazing to me because it helps better my experience and knowledge in writing.

A novelette is a short novel, typically one that is light and romantic or sentimental in character.

The novelette that Mr. Nutaitis is having us complete is concerning a group of kids who are writing a book.  While writing the book, the students plan a prank to see what would happen. As the shenanigan continues,  everything goes wrong when members of their own group start to vanish. Students then begin to ponder what is happening and why their fellow classmates are gone missing.

Mr. Nutaitis’s  class decides everything together. Each student working on the novelette shares their ideas, and when the group can not decide for themselves, Mr. Nutaitis helps. He will even offer his own ideas to help them along.

To make sure everyone participates equally, each student is given his or her own role in the project.

The novelette will continue to develop and will not be completed until the end of the school year, which means that the finish product has not yet been discussed.