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The 2024-2025 GNA Homecoming Court. Pictured left to right: Izabella Gronka, Mackenzie Pliska, Cassidy Roke, Isabella Selner, and Cecily Johnson.
The 2024-2025 GNA Homecoming Court. Pictured left to right: Izabella Gronka, Mackenzie Pliska, Cassidy Roke, Isabella Selner, and Cecily Johnson.
Hannah Fink

Meet the 2024-2025 Homecoming Court

GNA CAMPUSMagic, madness, heaven-sent – the GNA 2024-2025 Homecoming Court.

After being voted in by their peers, Izabella Gronka, Cecily Johnson, Mackenzie Pliska, Isabella Selner, and Cassidy Roke have been crowned as the GNA Homecoming Court. In their glittering prime for their senior year, these girls made the football field shimmer as they walked down the 50-yard line. This year’s Homecoming Court encapsulates what GNA stands for at its core. These young women provide a pristine example of what it means to be honest, kind, and responsible. 

Homecoming is an annual week-long event held by the Student Council and the senior class at Greater Nanticoke Area. Rachel Jeffries and Mike Zubritski, advisors of the senior class, combined with Candice Muench and Julie Dalmas, advisors of the Student Council, work relentlessly each year to hold this event for the student body.

Please allow The GNA Insider to introduce you to the 2024-2025 GNA Homecoming Court:


Izabella Gronka (Hannah Fink)

Izabella Gronka is the daughter of Andrew Gronka and Angela Stout. She was escorted by Brady Rushton as part of the 2024-2025 GNA Homecoming Court.

When asked what Izabella’s reaction to being selected for Homecoming court was, she stated “I wish I could say I had some extraordinary reaction, but I just texted my mom right away to tell her.” 

When asked what her favorite thing about homecoming was, she said “I love the tradition and the way the entire week of celebration brings the community together.” 

The GNA Insider also asked what her favorite thing about GNA was. “So many of our teachers here are amazing. They care a lot about the students, and I’ve learned so much from them and made many great memories.”

Something that Izabella cannot live without is her voice. “I don’t know what I would do if I ever lost my voice. Talking out loud, whether it’s to myself or others, is how I work through my problems. I’m a talker for sure and I don’t know how I’d live without it.”

Izabella is involved in a multitude of extracurriculars at GNA. She is a four-year varsity cheer Member, and a member of the Key Club, the Art Club, the Drama Club, and the National Honor Society. Izabella also fills the role of the Senior Class Vice President. 

When asked who her inspiration is, she stated, “I look to myself for inspiration a lot. I have a good group of friends around me that motivate me to do better, but I’m the only one who can truly push myself to keep learning and be more creative.” When asked what her plans are after graduation, she explained, “I’m planning to go to Uconn for business and become a Tour Hanger.” 

One of Izabella’s favorite memories as a student was Mr.Carey’s class. Some of the best advice she has ever received is “If you’re happy doing what you’re doing, nobody can tell you you’re unsuccessful.”

When posed with the question, “What does being a part of Homecoming Court mean to me?” Izabella said, “Growing up I, like many young girls, looked up to a lot of the girls that made up the court every year. It is an honor and privilege to be one of the five girls who will keep inspiring so many more young girls.” 


Cecily Johnson (Hannah Fink)

Cecily Johnson is the daughter of Maura and Jeremiah Johnson and was escorted by Brandon Egenski.

Cecily’s reaction to getting chosen for the Homecoming court was shock. “I think my spot could have gone to a lot of people, so this was a true blessing to me.” She wasn’t just excited about the title, Cecily adores the Homecoming football game. “It’s something I look forward to every year,” she stated.

Cecily is an active member of multiple clubs in our school. She is currently in soccer, Key Club, Student Council, softball, and basketball. Cecily stated that she doesn’t just love the festivities, “My favorite gift that GNA has given me is the relationships I’ve made throughout my high school career. My friends are the highlight of my time at GNA.”

Cecily’s favorite GNA memory is her tenth-grade English class with Mr. Carey.

When offered the question of who inspires her the most she proclaims, “My mom has inspired me the most. She’s been a beacon of light through hard times and is always guiding me through life.” The best advice she has ever received is “Never give up on yourself and your ability to progress, even when no one believes in you.”

Cecily can’t live without her family and her friends. “They’re my everything and my life.”

She is a person of many surprises as she states she is right-handed but kicks with her left foot.

After graduating, Cecily plans on going to college for athletic training. “I’m excited to further my passion for action.”

To be part of the homecoming court means the world to Cecily. This is an honor so many people could have gotten. “I have the privilege of showing everyone why GNA is so special,” she stated.


Mackenzie Pliska (Hannah Fink)

Mackenzie Elizabeth Pliska was accompanied by her mother Mary Pliska, her Step-Dad Tony Reimiller, her father Kevin Pliska, and escorted by Derek Miller.

When Mackenzie heard she would be part of the Homecoming court she was starstruck, having to let the idea sink in. Afterward, she was ecstatic, grateful, and excited to participate in this amazing opportunity. “This means so much to me and is an impactful and shaping moment.”

For her to be happy would be an understatement because Mackenzie adores the festivities of the court, especially the dance at the end of the pep rally. “The dance isn’t just a one-moment thing but a lasting effect that is guaranteed to flow through my future academic and personal careers.”

Mackenzie is inspired and couldn’t live without her mom, her cat, and her best friends. She emphasized how important her mom is to her, being her inspiration and drive. “These things have shaped me and will always be special in my life, never leaving but everchanging.” 

The best advice given that helps shape her everyday view on life would be from Dave Prushinski: “Nobody cares, work harder.” This quote pushes her to strive not just for good but also for greatness. She states, “To me, this quote helps me make sure that whatever I do, I have to make it my best, and never just settle for good.”

Some things that Mackenzie likes to do on her own time are to read and sometimes write. Creating and expressing her thoughts and ideas on paper is the most freeing and liberating thing to do.

She is not just a creator but an active member of the community. Mackenzie participates in the Key Club, National Honor Society, field hockey, cheer, and cross country. She is constantly giving and providing for those who need it. 

She keeps herself busy but never fails to make meaningful memories at GNA. Mackenzie’s favorite memories are the spirit games, decorating cars for the senior parade, and spending time with friends. She said, “Keeping high school an experience is not a chore for me.”

Mackenzie stated, “Being on the Homecoming court is so special to me because it gives me the chance to showcase GNA’s values and be able to express gratitude towards my high school career.” This opportunity gives her the chance to make a statement for her senior year.


Isabella Selner (Hannah Fink)

Isabella Rose Selner is the daughter of Chad and Sarah Selner and was escorted by Derek Shamanski as part of the 2024-2025 GNA Homecoming Court.

When questioned what her reaction was to being selected for Homecoming Court, Isabella stated, “It took me a while to realize just what it meant, but after it hit me I got really excited.” When she was asked what her favorite thing about homecoming was, she explained “My favorite thing about homecoming is the dance at the end of the pep rally.” The GNA Insider also asked what her favorite thing about GNA is, she said “The amazing teachers and staff I’ve gotten to know and love.”

Some things that Isabella cannot live without are her family, friends, and her dogs. They have all helped shape her, grow as a young woman, and mature throughout her high school career. 

Isabella is involved in plenty of extracurriculars at GNA. She is involved with the National Honor Society, Key Club, and Art Club. She loves to help others as often as possible. Not many students know she’s in the Art Club, but Isabella loves to paint and feel creative. Whether it’s sketching, drawing, or making models, she loves it.

Isabella’s mother Sarah, inspires her the most because of her hardworking nature and pushes Isabella to always do her best at everything she does. “My mom has always been there for me, through thick and thin. I look up to her a lot.” After graduation Isabella plans on going to college, hopefully to West Virginia University, to get her doctorate in pharmacy.  

One of Isabella’s favorite memories as a student was getting stuck in a lockdown while they were showing Mr. Carey their dissected cats. She also loves making fun of Mr. Dave Prushinski. Isabella loves spirit week, Christmas spirit week, and listening to Mr. Carey’s terrible jokes. Some of the best advice she has ever received is “Don’t put someone else’s feelings above your own.”

Isabella was asked what being a part of the Homecoming Court meant to her. “Being part of something amazing like the Homecoming Court means a lot to me because my class chose me as one of the five amazing girls to represent our school.” Isabella leads a positive example for other students at GNA to follow.


Cassidy Roke (Hannah Fink)

Miss GNA, Cassidy Jean Roke, daughter of Kelly Roke and Michael Roke, was escorted by Ryan Simcox.

Cassidy’s reaction to her being crowned Homecoming Queen was pure and utter shock. “I just sat there waiting for the shock to end, letting the belief sink in.” 

As starstruck as she was, Cassidy had her sights set on one of her favorite events, walking down the 50-yard line in a beautiful dress. “For me, this is a true staple in my homecoming journey, a true testament to my GNA legacy.”

Her favorite things don’t stop at homecoming. She also adores our school traditions. “I love Homecoming, prom, and the semi-formal,” Cassidy stated. “These yearly events are important to me. They’re a staple in time and enjoyable memories to look back on.”

Cassidy was crowned Miss GNA for more than one reason. She is an outstanding student who engages in a broad range of after-school activities. She is currently involved in the National Honor Society, the Key Club, the Art Club, skiing, and cheerleading.

Something most people might not know about Cassidy is that she loves to crochet. “The art of weaving and looping yarn to make beautiful and intricate work is calming and fulfilling,” she stated.

Cassidy couldn’t live without her family. “My family means the world to me. They’re such an important part of my life and have helped shape who I am today.”

To Cassidy, her Grandmother is her biggest inspiration. She explains, “My grandma has always been there for me and has given me a positive outlook that I always need.” Her grandma always makes the best out of the worst in times of need.

After high school, Cassidy plans on pursuing college and going into a medical career or going to law school to become a lawyer. 

Some of Cassidy’s favorite GNA memories are listening to Mr. Carey’s bad jokes and messing around with Mr. Prushinski in biology class.

Her best advice to herself and others is, “Don’t take every little thing so seriously and live life in the moment, cherish what’s happening now, and keep your head held high.”

To Cassidy, being a part of the Homecoming court means a great deal to her. She stated, “It allows me to represent and showcase all that is good of our school and senior class.”


Congratulations to the 2024-2025 GNA Homecoming Court!

The 2024-2025 GNA Homecoming Court wistfully looking backwards. (Hannah Fink)
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