GNA CAMPUS – Do you have an appetite that could use a little spoiling?
If so, the GNA Drama Club has you covered.
On March 8th, 9th, and 10th of 2024, The GNA Drama Club will be bringing to life a classic production full of fun, laughs, and just a little bit of – candy. Towards the beginning of the school year, Mr. Baker announced what every drama club member was anticipating for months – the name of this year’s production; Willy Wonka & The Chocolate Factory.
Roald Dahls’ Willy Wonka is a show that has stolen the hearts of many people alike for years, with a quirky cast that keeps viewers on their toes with unsuspecting plot twists and witty humor no matter which production it is.
Willy Wonka is a show that follows a young boy, Charlie Bucket, who is living in poverty with his 4 grandparents as well as his mother and father. When a famous chocolatier announces that he will be holding a competition to invite 5 lucky kids and their guardians to tour his infamous chocolate factory, as long as they find a golden ticket hidden in one of his famous chocolate bars. Charlie Bucket finds that golden ticket and his life changes.
The GNA Drama Club debuted last year – after an unexpected, 4-year-long hiatus – with their breathtaking production of “The Wizard of Oz.” With over a thousand people seeing their production, they knew they needed to put their spin on another beloved classic to steal over the crowd once more.
With new and familiar faces being brought back, Mr. Baker, Drama Director, said he couldn’t be more confident in his chosen cast. “I am extremely excited and confident in the cast chosen for this production,” Mr. Baker said. “I knew there was a lot of great talent returning from last year, and we were surprised with some new talent as well. It made our casting process difficult because there were so many students who could play several roles. It’s a good problem to have.”

“We are still trying to build a theater program here at Greater Nanticoke Area. First, I wanted to do another musical where our elementary students could again be involved to hopefully spark interest in the younger grades.” Mr. Baker confided in us once more, revealing the science behind his master plan to bring the theater program back to life. “I also wanted to do this show because of the returning talent. There are a lot of roles within this show that can give many students the ability to showcase their talents.”
Many drama members, new and old, confided in us about their thoughts about the casting.
As a returning talent, Isaiah Swartz was chosen for the lead role of Charlie Bucket. “I’m so happy and honored to have my role,” he told us happily. “I’m excited to be doing theatre again and putting an awesome show together with my friends.”

Along with the old talent, we also have some newer talent taking the stage as a lead.
“I am really looking forward to my role as Mike Teavee,” says Keeth Beck, a junior. “Going into auditions, I didn’t expect to come out with a lead role. This is only my second theatre show ever, so I was expecting to be in an ensemble until I became more seasoned. This role definitely makes me more confident in my abilities when it comes to theatre.”

Mr. Baker, theatre director, confided in us some more behind-the-scenes of his thought processes. “The Gene Wilder version of Willy Wonka has always been a favorite movie of mine. I thought it would be so much fun to bring that appreciation for this musical to my students. I hope that they have fun with this show as well.”
The show dates for this year’s production of Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory are March 8, 9, and 10.
“I really think people should attend this show. We put a lot of effort into these plays, and are always very proud of how they turn out. Plus, this show features some really entertaining choreography and music,” says Mackenzie Stratton, a beloved senior.
“I will tell you one thing… ” Mr Baker started, “After last year, I have no doubt that the Nanticoke community will come out and support us yet again.”
“They should come to see this show because there is so much great talent here in the Nanticoke schools, not only on the stage but also with set design, props, sound and lights, etc. Our cast this year has 62 students within the show between grades 5-12 and at least another 20 behind the scenes.”
From a talented cast to amazing music and dancing, you will be amazed by the sweet treats and Wonka feats and wish that you were up on stage, too. There’s not much time until the show, so make sure to clear your calendar and show off some Trojan pride by appreciating the hard work and dedication put into this show.
Show dates are:
March 8th @ 7:00pm
March 9th @ 7:00pm
March 10th @ 2:00pm