Thanksgiving has passed, feasts have been had, and GNA students have shared their reflections on the popular family holiday.
Izabella Gronka
What’s your favorite Thanksgiving food?
My favorite Thanksgiving food is my grandmother’s cranberry salad.
Do you help with the cooking or the dishes? Why?
I usually help a bit with the cooking to save time for my parents.
Gravy or no gravy?
Depends on what I’m putting it on. I’ll only put it on mashed potatoes.
Pumpkin or apple pie?
Apple pie for sure. I hate pumpkin pie.
What are you most thankful for?
I’m most thankful for the people in my life who have made me the person I am. I don’t know what I would do without them.
Madyson Maga
What’s your favorite Thanksgiving food?
My Grandpa’s fruit salad!
Do you help with the cooking or the dishes? Why?
I help with cooking a lot to help my mom.
Gravy or no gravy?
I only put it on mashed potatoes.
Pumpkin or apple pie?
Apple Pie.
What are you most thankful for?
I am thankful for my family, they have helped me be strong and brave.
Camden Keener 
What’s your favorite Thanksgiving food?
My favorite Thanksgiving food is my mom’s stuffing.
Do you help with the cooking or the dishes? Why?
I help do the dishes before and during while my mom is cooking. I don’t actually help cooking because my mom doesn’t trust me.
Gravy or no gravy?
Absolutely no gravy
Pumpkin or apple pie?
Apple Pie!
What are you most thankful for?
My hero, Eugene Gyle!
Tiffany Torres
What’s your favorite Thanksgiving food?
The turkey!
Do you help with the cooking or the dishes? Why?
I help do the dishes when everyone is done eating because I’m not good at cooking.
Gravy or no gravy?
No gravy.
Pumpkin or apple pie?
Pumpkin Pie!
What are you most thankful for?
I’m thankful for my mom.
Kayden Kratz 
What’s your favorite Thanksgiving food?
My favorite Thanksgiving food is stuffing.
Do you help with the cooking or the dishes? Why?
I always do some dishes and make a pie for Thanksgiving.
Gravy or no gravy?
Gravy; only on potatoes.
Pumpkin or apple pie?
Pumpkin Pie!
What are you most thankful for?
I am thankful for the friends and family I surround myself with.
Coraliz Garcia
What’s your favorite Thanksgiving food?
My favorite Thanksgiving food is the turkey or pasteles my mom makes.
Do you help with the cooking or the dishes? Why?
Most of the time I am helping, and if not I’m with my siblings or asleep.
Gravy or no gravy?
Yes, gravy!
Pumpkin or apple pie?
Pumpkin Pie.
What are you most thankful for?
I’m grateful for the people who are in my life right now (my family, close friends, boyfriend, etc.) they mean so much to me and I’m grateful for where I’m at in life right now.
Chriselda Sedorchuk 
What’s your favorite Thanksgiving food?
My favorite Thanksgiving food is stuffing mixed with turkey.
Do you help with the cooking or the dishes?
I help my mom with the baking and my siblings and I take turns with the dishes.
Gravy or no gravy?
Pumpkin or apple pie?
Pumpkin pie.
What are you most thankful for?
I’m most grateful for my friends, family, and all the opportunities I have. Also Josh Hutcherson.
Hannah Fink
What’s your favorite Thanksgiving food?
My favorite Thanksgiving food is pie.
Do you help with the cooking or the dishes?
Yes, I help with both cooking and the dishes.
Gravy or no gravy?
No gravy!
Pumpkin or apple pie?
Apple pie.
What are you most thankful for?
Taylor Swift.