Acts of Kindness


Life Skills Class

GNA CAMPUS — On April 11, 2023, the Life Skills class along with Mrs. Dennis chose to spread kindness around Greater Nanticoke Area High School in the form of lovable rubber ducks.

Each student wrote kind messages on the bottom of the ducks, and the class proceeded to place them in the GNA High School courtyards’ water fountain. 

The GNA Insider got to sit down and interview three students who participated in this act of kindness.




Name: Ariana 


What does kindness mean to you?

Kindness can be used through conversation.

What motivated you to start the kindness ducks? 

I wanted to bring joy to our school and make people smile.

What is your favorite act of kindness? 

Being kind to other people.



Name: George 

What does kindness mean to you?

To help others out, be inclusive, and use good manners.  

What motivated you to start the kindness ducks? 

To make students at our school smile and feel better. 

What is your favorite act of kindness? 

Being nice to my friend and helping them smile. 


Name: Cassy 


What does kindness mean to you?

Kindness means being considerate of others and putting others first.

What motivated you to start the kindness ducks? 

We wanted to do something nice for the GNA Community to let other kids know that we care about them. 

What is your favorite act of kindness? 

We loved writing kindness messages on the ducks for others to enjoy. We also loved hosting the St. Paddy’s Dance so our friends could enjoy themselves. 


Thank you to those who participated in this interview! Your act of kindness will not go unnoticed!