GNA’s got talent: Maura Jenceleski
GNA CAMPUS – The arts are back and thriving on the Greater Nanticoke Area campus. Senior Maura Jenceleski had the opportunity to perform on PA Live and give an outstanding performance.
The GNA Insider was lucky enough to get some insight on the experience Maura Jenceleski had on the set of PA Live.
Maura Jenceleski
How long have you been involved in the arts?
I’ve been involved in the arts for about my entire life. I started when I was younger with dance, singing, and other acrobatics, but once I got into grade school I moved into singing and stage performance. I have been involved in GNA’s chorus for 8 years now and in the theatre department for 4 years. I worked in the GNA marching band, and jazz and concert bands for only 2-3 years.
Do you plan to continue with the arts as a career?
No, I do not! I plan on participating in things similar to chorus and theatre in college for fun, but I’m focusing more on my writing and journalism skills as a career.
What was your reaction when you found out you’d be performing on PA Live?
I was so THRILLED!! It was my first time doing something like that, so I was very excited to be able to represent our school.
How did you prepare for your performance on PA Live?
Lots and lots of water! I drank a lot of water while rehearsing for an hour or so a day. I made sure to rest as well so I didn’t overwork my voice.
What was it like on the set of PA Live?
It was magical! The set we were on was actually brand new, so it was fun to experience it for the first time. The news reporter was so sweet and amiable, making me feel very comfortable. It was really cold, though haha!
What was your favorite part about being on PA Live?
My favorite part had to be the feedback. Everyone in the community was so proud and excited to see someone they knew on daytime TV. It was such a beautiful experience and I would love to see other Nanticoke students participate in the future.
Thank you to Maura Jenceleski for taking time to sit down and answer these questions.

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