10 minutes with an Trojan/Trojanette: Ashley Ortega


Ashley Ortega

-What’s your most memorable accomplishment?

My most memorable accomplishment was bringing  FBLA back to GNA with Mrs. Walton.

-What are your hobbies outside of school?

My hobby outside of school is baking.

-Who’s your favorite teacher and what’s your best memory with them?

My favorite teacher would be Mrs. Walton; my best memory with her is bringing FBLA to our school.

-What’s a silly fact that no one knows about you?

I practice doing nails at home.

-What’s your best memory at GNA?

My best memory would be when I met my friends.

-What activities, clubs, or sports are you involved in at GNA?

As of now I am only in the Student Council and a FBLA member.

-What are your plans after high school?

After high school, I plan on going to college for a Masters’s Degree in psychology to later go in for Law School.

-What’s your dream job?

To become a Lawyer.

-If you could have one superpower, what would it be and why?

If I had a superpower it would be to read minds, I’ve always been interested to know what goes inside people’s heads.

-What is an accomplishment you are proud of?

Being an honors student.