This is a poem I wrote; it’s about a women not letting the world be her downfall or letting anyone get in her way of her dreams.
This picture is from my walk to the bus. I thought this went with the tone of the poem.
Must you realize just because rain comes
Does not mean she Shall bow down to the darkness
She will raise like the storm she has become
She will not let such foolishness be her downfall
And she won’t let anyone stop her
Because she is that of light and dark; She is equal She holds the balance within herself
She is so much better than black and white
Her world is all shades of color
From the lightest blues to the darkest shades of purple.
The colors of her world show,
She is not weak; she has the strength to overcome her demons
And she has, now she is getting what is rightfully hers.

My name is Jazmine Trathen, and I’m a sophomore here at GNA. I’ve always been a student here. This school year I plan on joining the swimming team...