2017 GNA graduates representing their Alma Mater
Former graduates Kaitlyn Corkell and Lucia Villafranca are two former GNA cheerleaders who are representing their Alma Mater at the collegiate level.
The GNA Insider interviewed the two former graduates:
Kaitlyn Corkell- Albright College, Freshman cheerleader
What is the major difference from cheering in college to cheering in high school?
Even though Albright is a D3 school our college cheerleading team is more elite than it was in high school. We’re expected to catch on to material faster. There is so much more conditioning and our stunts are a lot more intense.
How do you manage your time with school work and cheer?
Thankfully as of right now we only practice two to three days a week and gym work outs are two days, so it is easily manageable between my “free time” and after practices. Hopefully as we start entering basketball season it won’t get too hectic.
Are you going to continue cheering throughout your college years?
I hope to continue cheering throughout my years at Albright College but my academics come first. If it becomes too much to handle or conflicts with school at anytime, I will sadly have to let go of cheerleading.
What do you like most about being a collegiate cheerleader?
I love cheering and I am beyond happy to be able to cheer at the collegiate level. I feel as though it has already helped me connect with not only my classmates but the teachers and faculty as well. It has also helped me get more involved in my community here at Albright.
Lucia Villafranca- King’s College, Freshman cheerleader
What is the major difference from cheering in college to cheering in high school?
The major difference of cheerleading in college compared to high school is the skill level. For example, stunting! In college, we’re allowed to do “three highs” which is a three level pyramid. I couldn’t do that in high school because it was illegal.
How do you manage your time with school work and cheer?
Managing cheerleading and school work is a challenge, but I follow my planner. My planner is my life at this point. I get my homework done as soon as it is assigned, or at least try to, because that is one less thing I have to worry about.
Are you going to continue cheering throughout your college years?
I would love too. It might get tough as a junior because of the work load, but there is a senior, who is a PA major, that cheered throughout college on the team. Anything is possible.
What do you like most about being a collegiate cheerleader?
The one thing I like best about being a collegiate cheerleader is that there is always spirit in the stands. It’s incredible to see. Even though King’s College is a smaller school, the student section and parents are still cheering. They are proud to be part of the Monarch family.

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