How to be a successful student during Covid-19

Let’s face it, living through a pandemic is not easy. No one could have prepared us for the changes that have occurred since March. Life as we know it has changed – for now. When faced with a challenge, we have two choices. . . become frustrated or become motivated.

The first thing we need to do as students is to stop feeling sorry for ourselves. Once we can get by the notion that things have changed, we need to adapt to this new way of life until the pandemic subsides. Remember, tough times never last, but tough people do.

We need discipline. We need discipline to follow the rules set forth by the school district. We need to take our temperatures. We need to social distance when possible. We need to wear our masks. We need to do our part.

We also need self-discipline. Online work is time-consuming, and it is very easy to become distracted at home. In order to not become overwhelmed this year, we need to stay on top of assignments. Check your Google Classroom often. Check your email. Create a work schedule and allow time to complete assignments. The more we procrastinate, the more we get behind. Remember, Preparation Prevents Pressure Procrastination Produces.

We need to realize that in order to learn we must want to be taught, and in times like these, it is extremely important that we practice independent research. We need to be self-taught so that when we come to school, we can ask the essential questions. Our teachers are willing to help, but we also have to help ourselves.

To say this year has been overwhelming so far is an understatement. We are only approaching the third week of classes and already it seems like we have endured many long months of frustration. No matter what, don’t quit! We are TROJAN TOUGH!