What’s with the whiteboard?



Set up by the Student Council late last year, the whiteboard, located upstairs in the main hallway of the high school, poses questions for students to answer as they make their way up to their classes. It first appeared just before the winter break, asking students what they wanted for Christmas. Students wrote things such as Airpods, video games, and other items.

This past month, students have shared their thoughts and feelings regarding who would be their Valentines, in lieu with the suspenseful and exciting atmosphere induced by the soon-to-come holiday. Over the past few weeks, names, drawings, and quotes have been added to the board in response to the romantic predicament, making it ever more unique and personalized.

The whiteboard, being a new creation of the 2018-2019 school year, provides no prediction about its usage following the February holiday; nevertheless, its ability to allow students to express themselves during the lengthy (and, occasionally, boring) school day, has proven to be rather popular in these winter months. Perhaps Student Council will promote and keep this newfound addition to our school and begin an artistic tradition to last the many years to come.