A jump start: Volleyball trains athletes for basketball


A message from Coach K.

Athletes who excel in basketball also excel in volleyball. Cross training a player in one sport to play another is a great idea. Volleyball and basketball compliment each other by incorporating similar skills. Eye, hand and foot coordination is key in both sports. Basketball and volleyball both require the ability to quickly jump higher. In volleyball, you are jumping all the time. Its the same in basketball when going for a layup or rebound. The skills, physical ability, and training to execute  quick movements on the court are similar for both sports. Only slight modifications in training are needed to match the movements to ensure better cutting actions and a quick first and second step.

The similarities between these two sports is to out jump your opponent. A blocker and hitter’s vertical jump is often key to dominating the front line. A rebounders vertical jump helps to determine how well they dominate the boards. Basketball and volleyball players require quick hand and arm action. Training here requires strength exercises that develop the shoulder joint and arm movements.

Volleyball and basketball teach teamwork. Both sports teach teams to “better the ball” – a great trait in life. Together they teach leadership, failure and success. Players must learn to do it all with their bodies, no special equipment needed, just a ball and a court.

Research shows that athletes who focus on one sport have a higher risk of injury. So, why not try playing for the cousins, basketball and volleyball.