Not having a definite plan is ultimately fine

College comes faster than you think and it is quickly approaching. Some of your friends may already know what they want to do for the rest of their lives, but you still have no idea what you want to major in. This decision that determines what you’ll do for the rest of your life. However, is that really such a bad thing? Fortunately, people who are undecided can attain some unique benefits.

Going into college undecided gives you a wide variety of classes that you get to explore. Since you aren’t committed to a scheduled track of classes, you have a range of diverse ideas to be introduced to. You also may show a genuine curiosity when taking these classes. Staying open minded and gathering new ideas can be an asset to finally deciding your major.

Another benefit is that you may be more open to falling in love with another idea. It broadens your horizons, and since you aren’t committed, your schedule can be more diverse until it comes time to declare your major. When you declare your major, you’re more likely to sign up for classes that pertain to your department. As an undeclared major, however, you do not have to worry as much about just one subject. You get a little taste of everything.

Besides the courses of your studies, you may even be exposed to an expansive range of new professors. With new professors, you get exposed to new teaching styles. You get to see how each of the different classes operates and what teaching strategies each professor has to offer. Being introduced to new ideas helps everyone out in the long run by getting new ideas on how to study.

As you can see, being undecided can make your college experience more rounded and distinctive. When you come into college without knowing what you want to study or what you want to do with the rest of your life, you can be indirectly exposed to new experiences. Challenging yourself is not a bad thing. Do not be afraid to learn new techniques and ideas that college has to offer. There is no rush!