Christian Cruz, Student Writer
My name is Christian Cruz, and I'm currently a senior and student writer at GNA. I’ve attended GNA since 2nd grade, but this is the first time I’ve participated in any GNA Insider activities. I’ve lived in Nanticoke most of my life but originally lived in Queens, New York. Keeping more to myself throughout the school year, I didn’t participate in many school activities and clubs but I’ve always been a fan of journalism and eventually taking the class.
During my spare time, I am a writer and freelance graphic clothing designer. I enjoy sketching, listening to music, creating music, exploring, and hanging out with my circle of friends. I’ve worked as a freelance writer in the past and continue to do so but it's more of a side hustle nowadays. My main job is as a supermarket grocer working for about 5 days every week. During winter break, I’m gonna visit my grandparents for the Christmas holiday, or stay home and have family members visit during the week-long break.
I want to go to college as of right now but I don’t have the most knowledge on what college to attend or even look into. I would love to get into an art/animation school and eventually become a full-time artist/animator, but for now, I have to work on my current drawing skills. In addition to that, I would love to design more custom clothing and eventually be able to wear my own stuff.