GNA CAMPUS— This Thanksgiving season, Ms. Hyder and the Key Club are proud to create The Gratitude Tree. This ambitious and feel-good event is happening in the first floor’s main hallway. This “tree” is composed of leaves representing what GNA students are most grateful for. These leaves are then reviewed and posted on the Gratitude Tree for all to see.
Ms. Hyder and the Key Club started this tree about a year ago, hoping to spread a reminder of why we should be so grateful for life and all that is in it. Having this pillar of thankfulness is not just a new seasonal tradition, but also a memento to all that is special and good in our lives.
When asked what inspired Ms. Hyder to create this ambitious project, she responded, “I think we often focus on all the negative stuff in our lives, and that not only drags us but makes everyone around us miserable. So by focusing on the positives we have, it makes us happier and boosts everyone’s morale.” This answer speaks volumes especially when tensions can get high this time of year. With the stress of gift buying and making magic happen, the holidays are a hard time for a lot of people. This tree helps remind everyone of what matters.
For Ms. Hyder, being grateful is more than just saying you’re thankful. There is so much good to focus on rather than bad. This tree puts forth what is true in all of us, the battle in illuminating the good with the bad. We have so much to be grateful for and this helps shed light on all those aspects.
Everyone in our life, good or bad, has made an impact. Writing on this tree helps to display thanks to those who have made a positive impact on us and it gives them a big “thank you.” So, this November and all the rest of the year, make sure you not only put your best foot forward but pay respect to all those who have helped through the good and bad and those who have stayed by you through it all.
Life is a miracle and a testament to who we are. You were lucky enough to make it this far, so make sure you pay homage to all that has helped you achieve this moment in your life. Whether it be a good meal or spending time with a loved one, life is beautiful, even in what seems darkest.
For the Key Club, The Gratitude Tree is a chance to write and actualize something that is so dear to you and paste it on the wall for all to see is such a vulnerable yet shared experience for all.
What is GNA grateful for?

– Volleyball

– Second chances

– My girlfriend

– My best friend

– GNA High School

– Ms. Hyder

– My nephew

– Family

– Life