Texting and driving
Texting and driving falls under a safety risk called distracted driving. Over the last seven years most states have banned texting and driving. On average, more than 1.6 million crashes each year are caused by texting and driving, or better known as distracted driving.
A study found that everyday 11 teens die due distracted driving.
So tell me, what text, tweet, or Snapchat be so important that you’re willing to risk your life?
What do you look forward to most in life? High school graduation, graduating college, your wedding day?
Texting and driving could put end to all of those things before they even have the chance to happen.
While texting and driving is not the same as drinking and driving, it does have something in common – it slows down reaction time. Cell phone use causes a slower reaction time than a .08 blood alcohol level, experts say.
Texting and driving is especially dangerous because it incorporates all types of driving distractions
Visual: Takes your eyes off the road.
Manual: Takes your hands off the steering wheel.
Cognitive: Takes your focus away from safe driving.
So, before you text and drive – think of the consequences. Most of the time people don’t stop texting and driving because they don’t see see the dangers of it until it’s too late.

My name is Haileigh Hendricks, and I am a senior at Greater Nanticoke Area High School. I have been a writer for The GNA Insider for two years. I play...