Yuta Okkotsu, also known as the Special Grade Prodigy, The Cursed Child, or The Copycat Sorcerer, is amongst the most popular side characters of the Jujutsu Kaisen universe and definitely up there alongside the strongest individuals. Being one of the four special grade sorcerers, Yuta Okkotsu has been a prominent ally to Itadori and co, winning almost all of his fights and leading the jujutsu world into peace. During his journey, Yuta has dropped many deep and honest quotes about himself and his determination going into the future. With that being said, here are some of Yuta’s best and most famous quotes.
1.) “I may be cursed, but I will never let that define me.”
Just like the quote says, Yuta became a cursed child from an early age, hindering the burden of holstering his lover Rika within his body. At first, Yuta hated the fact he was cursed, but after attending Jujutsu High and getting taught by numerous sources, he’s learned to embrace it and use its power. Even though Yuta is cursed with Rika or not, he absolutely refuses to let the title of “cursed” change who he truly is.
2.) “I will surpass all of my limits and become stronger.”
After being inspired by his mentor Satoru Gojo, Yuta makes a promise to himself and Gojo. He states that he will fight until the very end and never let any adversary break his willpower. No matter how hard the foe, Yuta insists he will break his so-called limit and surpass it, reaching new heights and strength. With the help of his allies beside him, Yuta has no fear of breaking his limits time and time again.
3.) “Even if I’m alone, I will continue moving forward.”
While Yuta is definitely a team-based sorcerer, he has no difficulty fighting by himself and has even won numerous fights alone before. He pushes himself forward alongside his allies but even when everyone is taken down, he will fight until the very last drop of energy he has left. For example, during his fight with Sukuna almost all of his allies were critically injured, healing, or even killed, but that didn’t stop him from rushing in alone and drawing the battle out longer.
4.) “I won’t let anyone else suffer because of me.”
During his first year of Jujustu High, Yuta understands his role as a jujutsu sorcerer and realizes that even though his curse could be used for harm and evil, he refuses to let anyone who’s not an adversary suffer from it. He’s accidentally killed old bullies, criminals, and others just because Rika trying to protect him, but this doesn’t make Yuta feel any safer. He simply saw himself as the problem and an evil sorcerer, hence why he made the new promise to only use his powers for the better of humanity.
5.) “I’ll protect those who are important to me, no matter what.”
It doesn’t get more pure or simpler than this quote. Yuta is a compassionate and loving man, especially caring deeply for Rika and his allies. Even if it means he’d be killed, Yuta always puts his friends first before even combat. Yuta is the type to care over even a bug, so seeing someone undeserving getting injured fuels him with rage, thus he makes an oath to protect those in saving range.
6.) “My scars are a reminder of how far I’ve come.”
While Yuta doesn’t have an actual scar because of his extraordinary ability to use his reverse cursed technique, which is simply just a regeneration technique, Yuta has gained numerous mental scars and he uses those scars as lessons rather than trauma. For example, Yuta uses his scar of cursing Rika as a reason to stop curses once and for all, to ensure no one has to go through the same tragedy as him.
7.) “I want to have a connection with someone. I want to be needed by someone. I want the confidence to feel like it’s okay to live.”
Probably Yuta’s second most prominent quote in Jujutsu Kaisen, Yuta breaks down and speaks from the heart during this scene. He screams at Geto at how confused he is and how he just wants to be someone his friends can count on, someone who’s strong and doesn’t need saving, someone who feels like it’s okay to live. Yuta wants to make a difference in his time alive, and he will fight with no reverses until he’s been satisfied with his impact.
8.) “What? It’s just pure love.”
Yuta’s most famous and prominent quote, despite being so simple and short. Yuta confesses his love to Rika and with Rika’s pure emotion turning into a high-powered cursed energy beam, Geto laughs at how ridiculous this is. Yuta responds with this simple quote and unleashes their combined power into one singular attack, stating how true love is a power beyond all.