On Wednesday, September 20th, the GNA Student Council will hold a general assembly meeting in Room 226 to discuss various relevant issues and upcoming events. The highlight of the assemblage will be the Committee Chair election, which will include the nomination and voting in both year-long term and specialty positions.
Council officers will also be addressing spirit game t-shirt sales, volunteer positions, and the well-anticipated 2023 Spirit Week. This meeting will touch on a multitude of changes occurring this year, including a rearrangement of typical festivities and an entirely new community event.
Any student council members interested in registering to run for a chair position should see the Student Council Google Classroom for the election form and further information on the regulations involved in the process. Committee heads will be expected to nominate their own committee members who will work alongside them to efficiently maintain their respective responsibilities. Furthermore, those elected into specialty positions will have the opportunity to run for further positions in the future once their term has ended.
For the Google Classroom code or submission of new membership, see Ms. Muench in room 208 or Ms. Dalmas in Room 112.