Serving their country: John Kus
GNA CAMPUS – Many seniors are making their final decision on what they want to do after high school in June. Some students will be going to college in the fall and some will be going into the workforce.
Here at GNA, we have a handful of students going into the military. The GNA Insider got a chance to sit down with John Kus and interview him about his courageous decision to join the Marine Corps.
Some of the reasons why John chose to enlist are having the opportunity to travel and having the opportunity to learn any job. When John told his family he was joining the Marines he simply walked up to his dad and said, “Hey I’m thinking about joining the Marines.”
John will be heading off to Parris Island in South Carolina at the end of July where he will be completing his basic training. John is preparing for basic training by clearing up anything or anyone that might hold him back from what he wants to do.
John is most excited about traveling when he gets into the military. He is most nervous about not seeing his family. He told The GNA Insider some benefits of joining the military were that it “Guaranteed pay, a job, and the relationship you build with people.”
In five years John can see himself on active duty and possibly being a recruiter. John has family members that have served in the military his great-grandparents served in the armed forces.
John’s advice for someone who is interested in serving in the military is, “Do yourself good by looking into every branch and see if it fits you.”
Congratulations John for enlisting in the military and good luck at basic training this summer!

My name is Annastasia O’Looney, I am a senior here at GNA and this is my first year writing with the GNA Insider. I have been living in Nanticoke for...