Getting to know our high school volunteer firefighters
GNA CAMPUS – At the Greater Nanticoke Area Highschool there are three students who are volunteer firefighters. They have given up their time and dedication to our community and keeping us safe. The GNA Insider got a chance to interview all three of them.

Robert Roberts III, who is a freshman at the Greater Nanticoke Area Highschool, wanted to volunteer as a Nanticoke firefighter because he liked helping people and because it’s rewarding to help people and make sure they are safe. The person that has influenced Robert is his father. Robert’s father had been a firefighter for twenty-eight years. Robert has always been interested in the videos his father has shown him and has always loved the idea of following in his footsteps. Robert told The GNA Insider how he has prepared for the job of a firefighter by “Training, learning, seeing many videos of things that have happened to firefighters mostly bad things so there’s never enough training to prepare you for the job, you always have to keep training and learning. I have been taking lessons and learning from other firefighters with experience.” Robert believes that the daily responsibilities of a firefighter are to always be prepared to go out the door and to make sure the engine is ready to go.

Aiden Zwiebel who is a senior at the Greater Nanticoke Area Highschool, wanted to volunteer as a Nanticoke firefighter because he wanted to help his community, and everyone involved with the fire department is a great group of people. The person who inspired Aiden to become a volunteer was his whole family. Aiden grew up being around the fire department and everybody he had talked to said it was a great organization to get into. Aiden told The GNA Insider how he prepared for the role of a firefighter “Taking my three essentials I have taken one two and three I just can’t take my fourth one yet, the fourth one is where you go into a live-burning building.” Aiden believes that the daily responsibilities of a firefighter are to help your community and be there for their times of need.

Matthew Stashak who is a senior at the Greater Nanticoke Area Highschool, wanted to volunteer as a Hanover firefighter because his friends influenced him to become a member. Matthew has been a member of the Hanover fire department for nine months now and has really enjoyed it. Matthew told The GNA Insider that “There is no preparation. You never know what you are going to get yourself into.” Matthew believes the daily responsibilities of a firefighter are to keep your head on straight and to know what you are doing.

My name is Annastasia O’Looney, I am a senior here at GNA and this is my first year writing with the GNA Insider. I have been living in Nanticoke for...