Class of 2024 ring ceremony
GNA CAMPUS — On November 3rd and 4th, the class of 2024 ordered their class rings. On that day, they had big decisions to make. A variety of colors stood before them with different special effects. The shine of the rings brightened their minds and gave them a creative outlet. The Class of 2024 marks a plateau in their high school career as they receive their class rings on the Wednesday morning of February 2nd.
The GNA Insider was lucky enough to participate in this ceremony and report the reactions of the excited students. Starting with the coordinators of the event, two-class officers shared their experiences with the event.

MacKenzie Stratton, Class President
What was the ceremony planning process like?
The planning was easy. We spread the planning out over time and with the help of the rest of the class officers. Even though the pandemic delayed our ceremony, we came through and it was successful.
How was presenting everything to your peers?
I enjoy presenting and speaking in front of people, so it was overall a good experience and a small crowd.
Did you enjoy this experience overall?
I did, Mr. Carey and my other officers made it fun throughout the whole morning and the afternoons that we had to stay late.
Ricky Weihbrecht, Class Vice President

What design did you pick for your class ring? Do you like it?
I picked a Hallmark design with a baseball and golf ball design on the sides. It has a sapphire stone in the center with a rainbow glint.
What was the ceremony planning process like?
It was difficult, but we got through it and the ceremony was successful.
How was presenting everything to your peers?
I felt confident while presenting everything and enjoyed it thoroughly.
Did you enjoy this experience overall?
Yes, I enjoyed the experience. It helped to give me more confidence while speaking.
Next to their class officers, two students who participated in the ceremony shared their experiences with The GNA Insider. Here are thoughts from Claire Aufiero and Allie Brown.

Claire Aufiero
What design did you pick for your class ring? Do you like it?
The design I picked for my class ring was the Alecto with a pearl. On one side I chose a basketball and a volleyball. The other side has a Trojan with a 2024; my graduating year. I like my ring because it represents my interests in high school.
How would you describe the ceremony? Was it enjoyable?
In my opinion, the ceremony was really enjoyable. The ceremony is a major milestone in our high school careers that we will remember forever.
What would you say to incoming sophomores who might be interested in ordering a class ring?
To the incoming sophomores, I would recommend ordering a class ring if you’re able. You will have the ring as a memento to look back at your high school career.
Allison Brown
What design did you pick for your class ring? Do you like it?
I decided to get a field hockey and cheerleading design on the side of my ring with a blue stone. I also got my name and my graduation year on the sides. I really like my rind, and I show it off to everyone.
How would you describe the ceremony? Was it enjoyable?
The ceremony was very enjoyable and it was super cool to see everyone go up and get their ring. The pizza party was super fun too.
What would you say to incoming sophomores who might be interested in ordering a class ring?
I would tell them to definitely get a ring if they are able to. You don’t even need to spend a fortune to get one. It is something you will have forever, so try to get one if you are able to.
Following the ceremony, participating students got to enjoy some fresh pizza and drinks thanks to the jeweler, John Dolan. The class made their way to the high school’s cafeteria where they celebrated this momentous occasion.

While everyone admired their new piece of history, others grouped all of their rings together in order to make a 24. This was a symbol of their graduating year.
As the speakers of the ceremony would say, “Cherish your class rings. It is one of the few tangible things that will remain with all of us in our lives, as a symbol of the joys, the sorrows, the happiness, the sadness, the problems, the anxieties, the laughs, and the tears you will experience in your coming years.” As the sophomore class of 2024 moves forward in different directions, these rings will show where they came from. It ties them together as a class of intelligent, hardworking, determined, and most importantly, unique students.
Though the sophomores are all distinct individuals, they will remember and connect with the place where it all started. Right here at the Greater Nanticoke Area.

My name is Maura Jenceleski, and I’m a senior here at GNA High School. I’ve lived in Nanticoke my whole life, so I’ve been enrolled here my whole...