Getting to know our staff: William Hischak
GNA CAMPUS – Mr. Hischak has been working at Greater Nanticoke Area High School for 11 years. He is GNA alumn and is one of the campus guidance counselors. Mr. Hischak’s purpose is to offer aid and support to any and all students who come his way.
Mr. Hischak was kind enough to sit down with The GNA Insider to answer a few questions:
William Hischak
How long have you been here at GNA?
I have been at GNA for four years as a high school student (Class of ‘94 Rules!) and eleven years as a guidance counselor. Prior to coming to GNA, I was a high school guidance counselor for eight years at Tamaqua Area High School.
What college did you attend? What was your major?
I will start from the beginning. Right after graduation, I decided to stay home and attend LCCC; which turned out to be a great decision! After two years at LCCC, I transferred to Shippensburg University. At both LCCC and SHIP I majored in Criminal Justice with a concentration in Juvenile Justice. After several years out of college, my wife convinced me to take a class in school counseling with her at Marywood University. Several years later we both obtained our Master’s Degrees from Marywood in School Counseling.
What was your high school experience like?
How did this experience tie into your job now? I loved high school! Now don’t get me wrong, it wasn’t all sunshine and rainbows as there were always some setbacks, problems, etc. but looking back I have to say it was overall, very enjoyable. The teachers, coaches, and guidance counselor I had while in high school were great and tremendously helpful. The funny thing is I can still remember when I met with my guidance counselor my senior year. I told him that I thought I wanted to be a state trooper upon graduating and furthering my education. He smiled and said I can see you more as a teacher or even as a guidance counselor. I chuckled to myself and thought that even though I liked high school there’s no way I am ever coming back!
What is your goal as one of the guidance counselors at GNA High School?
One of the most important goals I have as a guidance counselor is to be accessible and available for our students here at GNA. I try to make sure that all of the students know that my door is always open for them, make them feel comfortable, and let them know I am here for them if they need me. There is a quote out there that goes something like this; people may forget what you said or what you did, but they will never forget how you made them feel. I think of that quote often and try to live by it in and out of school.
What do some of your hobbies include?
My main hobby consists of keeping myself very busy coaching my kids sports teams, specifically basketball and baseball/softball. I absolutely love it! In the summer months, I also spend a lot of time swimming and taking mini-vacations with my family to Ocean City, Maryland, or Wildwood Crest, New Jersey.
What is one thing that most people don’t know about you?
Great question! Off the top of my head, it would be that I am a very, very, picky eater. There are so many foods that to this day that I still have never tried.
What was your main reason for deciding to work in education?
The main reasons were June, July, & August. Just kidding! The main reason I have decided to work in education is because I have the opportunity to help change someone’s future for the better, no matter how small that may be. Working in a public high school you get to help so many students from so many different backgrounds.
What would you say is your greatest accomplishment so far in life?
My family. It may not seem like an accomplishment to some, but to me it is everything.
If you could give students any piece of advice what would it be?
Have a good attitude. Attitude is everything! As they say, life is 10% what happens to us and 90% how we react to it!

My name is Maura Jenceleski, and I’m a senior here at GNA High School. I’ve lived in Nanticoke my whole life, so I’ve been enrolled here my whole...