‘Two years ago…’
This is a poem I wrote and this poem is about comparing myself from two years ago to now
As I sit next to the waves; the same ones I sat next to two years ago
I realized,
How much I have blossomed, how much I have changed, how much I have grown
It’s crazy to think that I was all that different
How I would look at the waves and feel that I was to like a wave, how my tears wouldn’t stop that year.
I’ve changed a lot in those two years – I found myself – I found my happiness
And believe me, standing under the stars and the waves just as I did before, I have realized that I too am not only a wave, I am the ocean; I flow and I move just as I change and grow.

My name is Jazmine Trathen, and I’m a sophomore here at GNA. I’ve always been a student here. This school year I plan on joining the swimming team...