GNA clubs and organizations 2021-2022
The GNA journalism class discusses an article.
GNA CAMPUS – Greater Nanticoke Area has a collection of different opportunities for students who would like to be involved in campus life. Students of different backgrounds and interests are offered the chance to take part in activities aside from athletics, allowing each student to participate in the student body in their own way.
Those who would like to take part in our school extracurricular activities are capable of participating in a variety of clubs and organizations which allow students to involve themselves and express what they are passionate about. These clubs include the art club, student council, journalism, chess club, drama club, chorus, band, and the Taylor Swift Club. Below are several options for those seeking for a group to join:
Art Club with Mrs. Rubal
GNA’s art club allows students to express themselves through a creative outlet. The club takes part in multiple community service activities such as the Empty Bowls Project. The art club takes place in the high school art room just about every day after school. This club works on various fun group projects which involve both the school and the community. Art club is most importantly an outlet to let the student body of GNA express themselves creatively in a welcoming place.
Student Council with Ms. Muench
The GNA Student Council welcomes any student from grades 9-12. In order to be a part of the Student Council, students must maintain a clear disciplinary record. The Student Council is in charge of functions that occur throughout the school, including the Spirit Week(s), Spirit Games, homecoming festivities, and the semi-formal. It works year-round to fund and host events for all students. Student Council meets at least twice a month in the high school auditorium. The main goal of the Student Council is to give students a sense of school spirit and to host an array of activities that allow students to get involved in their educational community.
The GNA Insider with Mr. Carey
The GNA Insider is Greater Nanticoke Area’s official online student newspaper. Any student in grades 10-12 who is motivated to report on the positive happenings of GNA is welcome to join the staff. The purpose of The GNA Insider is to showcase all of the positive people and events at GNA. The online newspaper can be found at There is also an app that can be downloaded to any cellular device by searching for Student News Source in the app store. The news staff meets every day during first period in Room 204 with Mr. Carey. Students who write for The GNA Insider have the unique opportunity of interacting with students, staff, faculty, alumni, and community members alike. They develop and write articles related to the school and community, and then post them to the online newspaper and the Facebook page. The GNA Insider features the people and things that make our school great.
Chess Club with Mr. Stachowiak
The GNA Chess Club welcomes anyone who wants to gain knowledge of chess. It will help anyone at any skill level to better understand the game. The club’s main purpose is to give Nanticoke students the opportunity to learn and master the art of the board game. The club meets every Thursday during eighth period, allowing students to get to play with their companions.
Drama Club with Ms. Rutkowski
Drama club allows students to pursue their interests in acting and theater. There have been many students over the years who have graduated from GNA and gone on to work professionally in music and theater in various positions. Continuing theater helps keep that tradition alive. Experiencing the arts through theater can be a really important part of a well-rounded education and individual. There will be auditions for a theater performance; however, it is more than just acting. Besides being on stage, students can be a part of theater through backstage help, tech crew, costume, and set design help, etc.
Chorus with Ms. Rutkowski
In chorus, the act of making music together helps create a special, supportive community that all are welcome to join! You do not need to audition for chorus – everyone is welcome! The purpose of chorus is to make music together, get a better understanding of singing and music reading, and to have fun! Chorus meets every Monday from 6-7:15 in the chorus room. The club performs a winter and spring concert, and there are occasionally other singing opportunities as time allows.
Band with Mr. Bunnell and Ms. Abby Kane
GNA’s current band program consists of three ensembles. The marching band is under the direction of Ms. Abby Kane, and Dr. Brad Bunnell directs the jazz band and concert band. Any student in grades 7-12 can be a part of the band program. GNA’s bands rehearse and perform instrumental music. Through this collaborative experience, band members work together to accomplish the common goal of providing the best possible performance of music. The members of the band program can work together to provide a performance that they can be proud of. There is no competition within the group, as no one is competing for a particular position or role in the band since everyone is equally important and appreciated. The marching band performs at football games, parades, and other local events. In the past, there have been competitions at Cavalcade of Bands, and they are hoping to return to competition soon. The marching band also goes on a 3-day trip each spring. This year, the bands are planning to go to Williamsburg, Virginia. The jazz band and concert band both meet for rehearsal after school on Mondays and Tuesdays. The marching band just concluded the marching season in November.
Taylor Swift Club with Mrs. Jeffries
The Taylor Swift Club allows students to celebrate the awesomeness of the one and only Taylor Swift. It is a fun and exciting place where like-minded people can discuss the brilliance of Taylor Swift’s music and become a “Swifty” fan. The club provides a wholesome and positive environment where students can have a great time listening to Taylor’s music and play a number of fun games. Swifties play a game called “Whatchya lookin’ at?” where students look at visuals on a slide show of Taylor Swift’s stuff and segments of her life and play a guessing game. Other games include “True or False?,” “Who knows Taylor best?,” “Name that tune!” and multiple other activities. Snack and drinks are also provided. The club meets on the 13th of each month (Taylor Swift’s favorite number). Those who appreciate Taylor Swift’s music or want to know more about her are more than welcome to join this club.

My name is Kamea Paresa, and I am a senior at Greater Nanticoke Area School District. Without growing up in my hometown Wapwallopen and going to school...