This poem I wrote explores the idea that none of us are perfect. . . and that’s okay!
Perfection is something
They don’t teach us
So who are we to decide what is perfect or not
We are human and humans make mistakes
But also we learn and grow as we get older
Some decisions aren’t the right ones for that time
But some are great beautiful risk worthy decisions that should be made
So who you are now isn’t who you will be in a year
Remember don’t be scared, because fear is nothing but an illusion
Be as imperfect as you can
We are young but we aren’t always going to be
Live life to the fullest, dance in the rain, sing in the shower, fall in love, change the world, cry to spilled milk, laugh with your friends.

My name is Jazmine Trathen, and I’m a sophomore here at GNA. I’ve always been a student here. This school year I plan on joining the swimming team...