Mr. Stetz expands lesson beyond classroom

Students visit the Nanticoke Historical Society at the Mill Memorial Library

Students visit the John S. Fine historical marker.

NANTICOKE – Mr. Stetz and his classes visited the Nanticoke Historical Society on September 10th, 2021. The Nanticoke Historical Society is located at the Mill Memorial Library. While on their educational journey, they also visited the John S. Fine Historical Marker and the coal miner statue.

Mr. Stez’s freshman and senior classes at the coal miner statue.

Why did Mr. Stetz take his classes to these locations? The answer to that question is simple: Mr. Stetz had envisioned that the trip would make his classes feel connected to GNA through the community. He also wanted the students to learn about the history of Nanticoke.

Mr. Stetz was able to take make this trip happen with support from Ms. Scibek, the high school principal, and Dr. Grevera, the district superintendent. Chey Zaremba and John Sherrick acted as guidance throughout the excursion. 

Mr. Stez’s freshman and senior classes at the Nanticoke Historical Society.

Overall, students were awarded the opportunity to explore their local history and make unique connections to the past. A lesson in a history text may be memorable, but to be able to see historical artifacts first-hand can be life-changing. Mr. Litchkofski, another history teacher at GNA, also brings history to life by coordinating with the Nanticoke Historical Society to bring historical artifacts for display at the high school. Each month, a trophy case outside of the high school cafeteria showcases local artifacts to enable students to observe their local history. 

Both Mr. Litch and Mr. Stetz are dedicated to the notion of connecting their students to the past in order for them to learn and appreciate local history.