Dear future seniors
Dear future seniors,
As the current school year comes to a close, the class of 2020 looks back on their senior year, which inconveniently and sadly was cut short. As they make their way into the workforce or college, they leave you to take their place. While it is unknown how school guidelines will change, here are a few things to remember for your own senior year:
Don’t be afraid to try something new. Sign up for spirit games, join the school play, participate in the Halloween show. Break out of your comfort zone, even if you have to drag a friend along. When you look back on these events, you may find yourself feeling regret for being too scared to join in. Embrace the itch and jump at the chance to have fun.
Make new friends. Your old friends are great to keep around, but your circle doesn’t have to be small. Expand your friend-group to have an array of people who share some of your interests and introduce you to new things. Have slumber parties, walk to school together, hang out at the parks. Nobody has to sit alone at lunch or on the bus.
Keep your friends close. Be there for them through their hardships. They’ll be there for you, and you’ll make so many memories.
Study. This doesn’t always mean sitting down and reading the entire chapter out of your textbook. But if you find yourself struggling on a certain lesson, open a YouTube tutorial. You can take 10 to 15 minutes trying to understand a concept that you struggle with, and you won’t be as nervous when taking that quiz or test you’re worried about.
Reach out when you need help. Whether you’re struggling in school or at home, you can always find someone to talk to. It can be a guidance counselor, a friend, or a teacher. If you ask them to listen, they will. Sometimes it can be hard to ask for help, but you don’t have to feel alone. You will not inconvenience a teacher or counselor by asking for a few minutes of their time.
Get enough sleep. Or, at least, get more sleep. Going to bed at 1 AM every morning isn’t helping anybody. Yes, sometimes you work last minute on a project or stay up to help a friend through a problem, but you’ll feel a lot better, and do better in school if your body gets the proper amount of sleep.
Stand up for yourself, and others. You have a voice, use it. If you or someone else is being picked on or harassed, you can help by speaking up, finding an adult, or simply by being kind to the person being bullied. We can stop bullying together.
See something? Say something. That worrying text that makes you question yourself, “should I tell someone?” The answer is: YES. You may feel hesitant to speak up about telling a guidance counselor or a teacher about another student, or your friend, or even a sibling, but there are warning signs that you can point out. It may even save a life – or many.
Lastly, be kind, and be yourself. Spread kindness to students who you don’t know- hold open doors, help them pick up their books, or a simple smile can make a big impact on someone’s day. Dress how you want to, express yourself, be proud of your accomplishments, and don’t let negative opinions change you. You are one of a kind, embrace it.
In a time of confusion and uncertainty, you can be certain that we will get through this. Tell your friends how much they mean to you, tell your parents you love them, and thank your teachers for teaching you. You’ve got this!
Sincerely yours,
Class of 2020

My name is Morgan Burleigh, and this is my senior year. After I graduate I plan to attend LCC, then I hope to get into West Chester University for Early...