Field of dreams
GNA CAMPUS- Pride is defined as a feeling of confidence and self-respect that is expressed by members of a group on the basis of their shared identity, culture, and experience. Anybody who is involved in or observes sports is aware that the home field is not only an area to defend, but a place to have pride in. Those who have ties to the GNA High School, including the staff, students, athletic teams, and community, should express pride and school spirit when hearing of the recent developments that have occurred over the course of the 2019-2020 school year. Over the summer and fall, the GNA maintenance crew helped positively shape the identity of not only the softball team, but of the entire school district by building a new softball field that was completed in the fall of 2019 and will be unveiled this coming spring.
All of the girls on the softball team are appreciative of the new field, as team member Jenna Baron, a junior, made clear when she said, “I’m excited to get softball started. The warm weather is making everyone want winter sports to conclude, and the new field only amplifies my excitement for our upcoming games.” Sophomore Ali Keener expressed her thoughts regarding the new field when she stated, “I think it will be good for us to have a new field because the drainage system is better, and this will allow us to play more games in the rain.”
Relating to the performance of the team, junior Olivia Nice commented, “I think that the new field will have a positive impact on our team. I believe that because the field is now on campus, more people will come and support us. If more people come and watch us play, I think that it will motivate us to have a great season.” Also regarding their playing, senior Gabby Rakowski said, “The new field is the perfect way for our team to get a fresh start. I, however, don’t think that the field will affect my playing, for I give 100% no matter where I play.”
Softball fans are therefore encouraged to attend the softball games so that they may be involved in the community and experience the excitement and exhilaration that will undoubtedly occur at these events. Supporting the GNA High School sports teams is undeniably a justifiable way to join together as a community and cheer for the youth of Nanticoke who work to shed a positive light on the town, so don’t hesitate to drive down to the new field on March 20th at 4:15 to witness the first game of the girls softball season!

My name is Kayla Eckrote, and I am a junior here at GNA. I’ve always been a student here, for I have lived in Mocanaqua and Nanticoke my whole life....