Halo Multi-Sensors
GNA CAMPUS- It isn’t a recent epidemic; it’s been going on for years- smoking. But now, it’s vaping that’s seen more on campus, and it’s mainly in the place where students, oddly enough, hang out – the bathrooms.
School officials are cracking down on vaping in the school bathrooms, because not only does vaping affect the vapers, it affects the air quality, and other students, too.
Smoke detectors have become a lot more advanced since they were invented in 1902. Mostly, they identify smoke when there’s a fire. Whether it’s in a bedroom, a kitchen, or even the school bathroom, they set off a shrill noise to alert those around that it has detected a high level of smoke. But can they detect things like cigarettes? What about vape?
The answer is: not usually. Unless someone is blowing directly into the detector, chances are, it will go unnoticed. One of the biggest problems in schools today is the number of students using the bathrooms to smoke and vape in. While it isn’t as big of a problem, fighting in school bathrooms is also common. But a new type of smoke detector is set to be installed at Greater Nanticoke Area High School- the Halo Multi-Sensor.

The Halo sensors don’t just detect smoke, they detect anything from cigarettes to vape, to THC. They also detect chemicals (like carbon dioxide or carbon monoxide), abnormal noise levels, light (occupancy, sensitivity), temperature, humidity, and pressure. And soon, they will detect even more, like glass breaking, gunshots, bullying, and excessively loud noises, like shouting or banging. Hopefully, they will cut down the amount of vaping and disturbances in the bathrooms.
For more information, click hereĀ

My name is Morgan Burleigh, and this is my senior year. After I graduate I plan to attend LCC, then I hope to get into West Chester University for Early...