Who’s your queen?
Learn something new about your Homecoming Court of 2017-2018 and choose one answer for each question to see who you are most like! (Katie Butczynski, Codi Hornlein, Lynsey Maciejaszek, Emily Scott, and Ashlee Hules). Submit your answers as a comment so everyone can see how others compare to our Homecoming Court.
What is your dream job?

- Physical Therapist
- Occupational Therapist
- PA for Dermatology
- Orthopedic Surgeon
- Caseworker
What is your favorite food?
- Pizza
- Hibachi
- Pizza
- Chicken Scampi
- Hibachi
What is your biggest fear?
- Failure
- Heights
Mostly 2’s…. - Bugs
- Chicken Scampi
- Spiders
Who is your favorite band/singer?
- Hopsin
- Rascal Flatts
- Red Hot Chili Peppers
- Arctic Monkeys
- Luke Bryan
Who is your dream celebrity boyfriend?
- McDreamy (patrick Dempsey)
- Lucas Scott (Chad Murray)
- Thomas Rhett
- Zac Efron
Mostly 3’s…. Liam Hemsworth
What is your favorite movie?
- The Choice
- The Notebook
- The Notebook
- Get Out
- Despicable Me
What is your favorite animal?
- Giraffe
- Dog
- Dog
- Elephant
- Dog
Mostly 4’s….
What is your favorite class?
- AP Calc
- AP Bio
- Law Studies
- AP Bio
- History
What is your favorite sports team?
- Penn State
- The Eagles
- Dallas Cowboys
- The Phillies
- Dallas Cowboys
What is your favorite social media?

- Pintrest
- Snapchat

My name is Haileigh Hendricks, and I am a senior at Greater Nanticoke Area High School. I have been a writer for The GNA Insider for two years. I play...

I have been writing and designing for the GNA Insider for 2 years now. I plan to major in journalism and attend Emerson College in Boston, Massachusetts,...

My name is Taylor Zabrenski and I am a senior. I enjoy playing soccer, throwing javelin for the track and field team, fishing, taking pictures, doing makeup,...