College and Career Readiness Week
GNA CAMPUS- College and Career Readiness Week, organized by Ms. Victor, GNA’s College and Career advisor, was held all of last week.
The goal of College and Career Readiness Week was to give students the opportunity to meet with college personnel, ask questions, and receive information. Students participated in a variety of activities, meetings, and workshops including:
- a Military Information Session
- Wilkes University: Instant Decisions/Student Meetings
- Interview Skills Practice
- Keystone College: Instant Decisions/Student Meeting
- Penn State University: Application Assistance
- King’s College: Instant Decisions/Student Meeting
- Technical/2 Year College: Information Session Application Workshop
- Financial Aid Workshop
- Misericordia University: Instant Decisions/Student Meeting
- Marywood University: Instant Decisions/Student Meeting
- The University of Scranton- Application Assistance/Student Meeting
- College Essay/Resume Workshop
- Transitioning to College: GNA Alumni Panel Discussion
- Former GNA students who participated in the panel were, Jillian Baron, Chrislyn Cabonilas, Nicholas Littzi, Bradly Duda, and Kaitlyn Bigos
- Luzerne County Community College – Application Assistance
About the Contributors

Emily Cullen
My name is Emily Cullen, and I'm a senior at Greater Nanticoke High School. Originally I am from Stroudsburg, Pa. I came here in second grade. I have five...

Ashley Kocher, Student Writter
My name is Ashley Kocher, and I am a sophomore at GNA high school. This is my first year of journalism. I like to write stories, so that is why I chose...