Poetry contest winners: Harley Bopp and Morgan Burleigh
Students at Greater Nanticoke Area participate in many events during their free time and most often do not get any recognition. Harley Bopp and Morgan Burleigh, juniors at Greater Nanticoke Area had decided to enter a poetry contest and had won with their original poems, with Harley’s being featured in the Fine Arts Fiesta.
Harley Bopp had entered the contest with her original poem titled “Trapped.” This poem is written from the view of a sexual assault victim/survivor and is a very emotional poem for those who read it. When asked why she wanted to enter a poetry contest, Harley had answered with, “I saw an opportunity and kind of just went for it. I thought about it for a while, and originally was not going to enter due to the fact I didn’t think I was good enough to win, but then I started to get feedback from others and my confidence started to go up. Ms. Hyder had also pushed me to step out of my comfort zone, and I am very glad that she did.”
The name of the contest Harley and Morgan entered was the Wyoming Valley Poetry Society- Fine Arts Fiesta. Harley was asked what feelings she had about the contest and she answered that “at first I was a little bummed because I got 3rd place, but then I realized that it was a good thing and pushes me to keep writing. Getting 3rd place boosted my confidence a little bit and now I want to be persistent in writing.”
Morgan Burleigh has entered the contest with her original poem titled “Of Boats, Skies, and Loving Eyes.” Her poem is about wishful thinking, the beauty of love, and the dangers of loving the wrong person. When asked why she wanted to enter a poetry contest, she answered with “I wanted to see if I could win, and my family gave me enough support to actually send in my poem.” When Morgan was asked what feelings she had about the contest, she replied with “I am stoked I won because poetry is my biggest talent.”
Harley and Morgan were only two of the many contestants who sent in their original works to try and see if they can win. When asked about the people who also entered the contest, both students replied with “There were a lot of entries from all different grades, and many were from Nanticoke.”
Both girls recommend stepping out of your comfort zones and entering a contest like this because you don’t know what can happen.

My name is Deyonna Wood, and I am a junior at Greater Nanticoke Area High School and a writer for The GNA Insider.
I am currently in the Upward Bound...