Upcoming important dates
April 17th……….Fitness class to Ropes course at Wilkes University
April 23rd……….French foreign language movie (Period 1-3, Auditorium)
Distracted driver presentation (Auditorium at 12:30 9th-12th grade)
April 24th……….Spanish foreign language movie (Period 1-3, Auditorium)/Job Fair
April 25th……….PSAT 10 (Auditorium)
April 25th………. Foreign language banquet (High school cafeteria 5 p.m- 8 p.m)
April 25th………. Spring band concert(6:30 Auditorium)
April 26th……….French/Spanish Olympics (High School Gym) 4 p.m-7 p.m
April 26th………. Dual Enrollment meeting
April 27th………. Polio Walk
April 29th……….College fair at King’s College
May 1st……………Chorus concert (7:00 Auditorium)
May 1st……………Prom Promise (9:00 Auditorium)
May 3rd………….Prom/Teacher in-service/ Awards Day committee meeting
May 4th…………..SAT’s at GNA High School
May 6th…………..Washington D.C. Trip
May 8th…………..AP ELA Exam
May 10th…………AP US History Exam
May 13th…………..AP Bio Exam
May 14th………….. AP Calculus Exam
May 15th…………… Foreign Language Honor Society Induction
May 19th-21st……..PJAS States
May 13th-21st………Keystone Exams
Literature: Wednesday, 5/15 & Thursday 5/16
Algebra: Monday, 5/20 & Tuesday, 5/21
Biology: Wednesday, 5/22 & Thursday, 5/23
May 20th-25th…….. Senior Trip
May 28th……………..Decision Day (High School Gym)/ Senior Sundaes 12:00
May 28th…………….. Art Club trip to METS
Senior finals May 30th, 31st, and June 3rd
June 5th………………. Cap and gown distribution
June 6th……………….NHS Induction
June 10th……………..Graduation Practice 7:35 a.m. / Student dismissal 11:00 a.m/12:00 p.m. (secondary/elementary)
Underclassmen finals June 10th and 11th
June 11th………………. Cap and gown pictures/ Ticket distribution/ Student dismissal 11:00 a.m./ 12:00 p.m. (secondary/ elementary
June 12th……………..Awards day (8 a.m High School Auditorium )/ Student dismissal 11:00 a.m/ 12:00 p.m (secondary/ elementary)
June 12th…………….. Athletic Awards (6 p.m. High School Auditorium )
June 13th……………… Senior breakfast 9:30 a.m./ Graduation practice/ parade in Elementary Center
June 13th………………..Student dismissal 11:00 a.m./ 12:00 p.m. (secondary/ elementary center)
June 14th……………….. Graduation/Student dismissal 10:00 a.m./ 11:00 (secondary/ elementary center). Last day for high school
June 17th………………..Last day for Kennedy Early Childhood Center

My name is Haileigh Hendricks, and I am a senior at Greater Nanticoke Area High School. I have been a writer for The GNA Insider for two years. I play...