Top 8 infomercial products you wanted as a kid
It’s Saturday morning. You’re watching cartoons on Nickelodeon and the Disney Channel, lounging around on the couch and enjoying the luxury of your break from school. All of a sudden, a commercial for an eye-catching, highly desired toy airs in the middle of the broadcast. You yell to your parents to come at once and see how amazing it is! You just have to have it!
Such a scene was not uncommon over a decade ago. Many of us remember the 2000’s-era commercials, which bombarded televisions ceaselessly with advertisements offering various household items and services catered to our parents. But what marketing was directed at us? In this article will incite an influx of sweet recollections on a journey to shine a light on these eight As Seen on TV products that were, in their time, as popular and adored as many popular toys today:
Bendaroos: ‘Benda-what?’ was exactly what we all asked when we first saw this infomercial was a child. Bendaroos are bendable strings with a wax coating that allowed us to be the artistic individuals we were all as children. They were advertised to be stain-free and able to be placed in any feasible location; however, few were skilled enough to create moving snakes or labels for their drawings with these waxy toys.
Floam: Infomercials from the 2000’s surely played on a child’s need to be creative in their early years. Floam was the coolest product you didn’t know you wanted until you realized that you could put it anywhere. It was marketed as a way to spruce up your seemingly boring toys with this stretchable, reusable foam. You needed this in order to be the coolest kid with the stickiest dollhouse ever.
Zhu Zhu Pets: Any kid who didn’t have the family dog or the household cat always told their parents about this commercial. These battery-powered hamsters were all the fun of a pet with no mess. Plus, you were able to build the coolest obstacle courses for your electronic critter with sets sold separately. We bet your dog couldn’t do those tricks.
Moon Sand: As most of these products are marketed, Moon Sand allowed for endless creativity for kids of all ages. The product provided itself with molds and other tools for you to create your sandcastle kingdom. Any kid who understood the struggle of your sand creation being destroyed by water at the beach wanted this product more than anything. It even comes in multiple fun colors!
Fushigi: Have you ever dreamed of being a magician as a child? With this magic gravity-defying ball, it was easy to believe that you could achieve such a feat! If you owned the Fushigi when you were younger, you were sure to impress your friends on the school playground. Even though this product was mostly marketed toward teenagers, you couldn’t help but want to be seen as cool with this supernaturally powered ball.
Zoo Pals: Who knew eating could be such fun? These animal themed plates provided tons of fun for meal time as kids. We wouldn’t be surprised if this was the one As Seen on TV product your parents purchased for you. They’d do anything to try to get you to eat your vegetables during dinner time.
Pillow Pets: Having a Pillow Pet as a kid most likely made you the most awesome person at your friend’s seventh birthday sleepover. Even if you weren’t intrigued by the unique aspects of these adorable pillows, you definitely knew the commercial’s catchy theme song by heart.
Shamwow: Even though this isn’t a toy, this commercial amazed you to no end. The magic cleaning powers of the Shamwow mesmerized every kid who happened to see the commercial. Perhaps you didn’t want this for yourself, but you told your parents about how awesome this product was every time it flashed across the screen and Vince Shlomi’s voice blasted through the TV’s speakers.

My name is Kaleigh Hamm, and I am a junior at Greater Nanticoke Area High School. I am in my second year of the GNA marching band as the current color...