GNA field hockey team presents money to teacher with cancer
Every fall season, the GNA field hockey team has a “pink out” game which is dedicated to people who are battling with cancer. The girls wear pink and raise money with 50/50 tickets and a basket raffle, in order to give proceeds to someone in the community who has cancer.
This year, the girls became aware that Ms. Zielinski, an 8th-grade civics teacher in the Greater Nanticoke Area School District, is fighting against cancer. Immediately upon receiving this information, the team began efforts to raise as much money as possible in order to augment the funding of her treatment. Ms. Zielinski was extremely happy when the girls surprised her with their gift, and appreciates the service of the Nanticoke field hockey team immensely.

My name is Madison Stashak, and I am currently a junior at Greater Nanticoke Area High School. This is my first year writing for The GNA Insider.