GNA’s got talent: Josh Baranowski, Andrea Grey, and Kassie Rinker
The Greater Nanticoke Area High School has always boasted a talented and gifted student body. Here at GNA, we have seen many of those talents first hand. From riveting performances at school plays to intriguing artwork adorning the school halls, the talent at GNA is second to none. At the Greater Nanticoke Area High School, we feel it is important to get involved in music and the arts for many reasons. Although involvement in these activities may be an enjoyable experience, this knowledge can help with language development, increased IQ, and higher test scores. Every month, The GNA Insider will recognize the skills and talent that can be found in our school.
Josh Baranowski
How long have you been involved in art?
I have been involved in art pretty much my whole life. I grew up watching my mother and sister paint all the time.
Is art something you would like to pursue as a career?
Yes, I would love to have a career in art! Whether it is designing video games, making movies, or even being a photographer. It would be a dream come true to have a career in art!
Would you say that taking the art class here at GNA has helped you develop as an artist?
Yes, definitely. If I didn’t have art class at school, I would have most likely never gotten into painting. Having Mrs. Scateana’s expertise , advice, and paint has really helped me to try new things.
What type of art are you interested in?
My favorite art to see is graffiti. It would be awesome to learn how to use spray paint; especially to the level of some people. As of right now, I have been focused more on drawing and painting. I overall prefer painting!
Who or what are your artistic influences?
My family is probably my biggest artistic influence; especially my mother and older sister. Everywhere you look in my house, there are amazing pictures my sister has done.
Andrea Grey
How many years have you been playing music? What are the main duties and responsibilities of an involved music student?
I have been playing clarinet since the 5th grade. This is my 8th year playing. I think the main duty of an involved music student is to be musically flexible. As a musician, you have to be ready to play different music styles, follow different conductors, and adapt to a constantly changing high school ensemble.
What are things that inspire you to do music?
One thing that has always inspired me to play music was the fact that is so universal. Music is understood by people from all over the world! It is accepted and acknowledged by people with different ethnic background and lifestyles. That amazes me! Music brings people together. It is so amazing how so many people will gather in one place, at one time, to just…listen.
Who are your musical influences?
My good friend Kayleigh has been a huge musical influence! She has taught me so much about music and made me the musician that I am today. Also, my boyfriend David has greatly influenced me. He motivates me to be creative and never give up; even when things get tough.
You are involved in the Wilkes Civic Band. What made you decide to participate in the ensemble?
I decided to join the ensemble because I wanted to push myself. I never had private lessons, I had already made it to District Band in 10th grade, and I decided to challenge myself more. I didn’t want to stop improving, so, I joined a high level ensemble. The music is obviously much more difficult than a lot of our high school music, but not in a way that is too hard. The pieces simply need more time to be prepared before performance.
Kassie Rinker
How long have you been involved in archery?
I started archery about two years ago when I got my first bow for Christmas in 2014.
What sparked your interest in archery?
I have always thought that archery was interesting. My father does archery; however, he doesn’t do it competitively. His involvement really opened my eyes to the world of archery! Also, Katniss is pretty cool!
What are competitions like?
There are three levels of scoring in archery; B Class, A Class, and AA Class. They are based on your score level. I am currently placed in A Class. There are also different levels of competitions (as there are with most competitive sports) Regional, States, National, and International. I have competed in Regional, States, and National Competitions.
What are some of your achievements?
I have done fairly well, in my humble opinion. I have placed first in two different Regional competitions. Last year, I placed first in the State competition that was held in Harrisburg. I also placed fifth in the National competition last year.
Who has influenced you?
Jason Jones has really helped me in archery. He works for Lonesome Road Archery and is my mentor. He is a incredibly kind and skilled archer.

My name is Madelyn Rose Bugdonovitch, and I am a senior. I am currently attending college part-time along with high school through our school's Dual Enrollment...