Getting to know our staff: Mr. Joe Yamulla, college adviser

Last year, our college adviser, Ms. Jarman, departed to further pursue her career and expand her studies after beginning accepted to one of Harvard University’s graduate programs. She left behind big shoes to fill here at GNA, and Mr. Joseph Yamulla has gone above and beyond to pick up where she had left off.

Mr. Yamulla graduated from Franklin & Marshall College with a major in English Literature and minor in Spanish. From day one, he has been focused on offering our students the best college and career advising. “I’m hoping that during my time here, I’m able to offer GNA students every possible resource necessary to help navigate through the college application process. My door is always open to anyone who is taking that next step in their education and career. No one should do this alone, and I’m here to provide each and every GNA student with options so that they could continue to grow and achieve great things after graduation,” he commented.

Mr. Yamulla has certainly surprised us with his excitement, insight, and experience. He has also mentioned that the students here at GNA have been equally surprising; “During my brief time here, I’ve been blown away by the intelligence, talent, and creativity of GNA students. You all have so much to offer, and you all possess a unique identity that is so incredibly valuable. This should never be forgotten. When you eventually graduate and leave the halls of GNA, always believe in yourself and be confident.”

We are lucky to have someone with life, career, and educational experience like Mr. Y. in our guidance department. He stresses, “…to seniors (and all GNA students) to be confident. Everyone that I’ve met has the capability to do some pretty amazing stuff. Even when life gets challenging, it’s important to remember your unique talents and capabilities. Even when you eventually go to college or start your careers, don’t get discouraged by adversity. Remain true to yourself and never forget your value in this world.”

Mr. Y. always tries his best to have an open-door policy. “There’s no need to schedule formal meetings with me. I’m always in school and if you need to see me just come by my office in guidance! I love visitors!”

For any questions regarding schooling, college, careers, or otherwise, students can contact him at: or


As we know, Mr. Yamulla is much more than an adviser. As a way to truly get to know him, Mr. Y. shared a few personal interests and hobbies with The GNA Insider.

“My biggest hobby outside of school is CrossFit. I’m a CFL1 Trainer and have been coaching CrossFit for little over a year now and have involved with CrossFit for about 4 years. In addition to CrossFit, I spend my weekends in the winter riding my snowmobile in Upstate New York and Canada,” he explained.

“London was the most unique place I ever visited. I was there doing a research project one summer and it was fascinating to see a city with beautiful Victorian Era buildings on one street, and then the next will flaunt corporate skyscrapers. London contrasts history with the contemporary and living there for a Summer was such an amazing experience,” he continued.

“Most people don’t know that I’m a huge animal lover. I am obsessed with dogs and constantly talk about my two pups. If I didn’t work in education I would love to do something to work with animals. I always wanted to volunteer at a rescue, but I know if I do that, I will end up taking home all the dogs.” He added jokingly, that if anyone ever wanted to come to his office to talk about dogs, he’d be more than willing and he would happily show off pictures of his pups.

When asked about his favorite place to eat, without hesitation he answered,  “My favorite place to eat is Thai Thai in Wilkes-Barre!! I love Thai food.”

The GNA Insider also asked Mr. Yamulla some questions about local colleges, his role in helping students,  and his opinion of GNA:

 What do you think are some of the strongest local colleges and universities?

Some strong local colleges, I’d think University of Scranton, Wilkes, Kings, and definitely even Marywood.

How do you help inform students to make their decision on a university or college?

I try to make sure that a student knows as much about a college, not just academics like majors and stuff, but finances, demographics, diversity, student reviews, all that.

Do you feel college expenses should be lessened, or increased? Why?

Oh, definitely lessened. I mean, who would want to spend more? Sometimes it can be scary expensive, but I think it’s my job to help students realize that the upfront cost isn’t final.

Which college or university do you believe is the best value in our area in terms of cost?

For our area, I would say Bloomsburg, not factoring in aids or scholarships, just upfront cost.

How do you intend to help students who may not know about their college options or aid?

First thing, is that students shouldn’t be scared of the initial price, as there’s a lot that factors in besides just main cost. Scholarships are big, and there’s just a lot of financial aid available, as some of the most expensive colleges don’t need to be after it’s all said and done. Don’t be scared or intimidated by upfront cost, it’s very dependent on value, aid, and help you can get.

What do you think about GNA so far?

I think GNA has a lot of pride, and a very strong sense of community. It’s small enough that you know everyone, but big enough to have an impact at games, and events and stuff. And, so far for me it’s been very welcoming. I’ve gotten a lot of guidance and help from everybody, and that’s just great.


We are every lucky to have a resource like Mr. Yamulla at our school. It is not a common occurrence in our area for schools to offer their students a college / career counselor. We are very happy to welcome Mr. Y into our GNA family. He is a wonderful addition to the staff.