September/October 2017 Newsletter

Picture Dates


October 13, 2017- 8th & 9th Grade

October 30, 2017- 10th  & 11th Grade



Homecoming Festivities, September 22, 2017


See attached





  • Senior Class will be selling Homecoming T-shirts thru the month of September
  • Annual gourmet cookie dough fundraiser thru the month of September
  • Gertrude Hawk candy sale will be on going throughout the school year
  • Seniors will be selling lanyards and ¾ zips and sweat pants in October
  • French/Spanish Club sale from the Indulgence Collection beginning October 12, 2017






  • Friday, September 8th is the deadline to register for the October 7th SAT. You must have completed the online registration process, uploaded a valid photo, and submitted payment information by 11:59 PM on the 8th in order for the registration to be complete. Students may always see Ms. Jarman for help with the registration process.
  • A representative from Pennsylvania College of Technology will be visiting GNA on Wednesday, September 13th at 8:30 AM. Interested students must sign up with Ms. Jarman.
  • A representative from the University of Pittsburgh at Johnstown will be visiting GNA on Thursday, September 14th at 8:30 AM. Interested students must sign up with Ms. Jarman.
  • A representative from Susquehanna University will be visiting GNA on Thursday, September 14th at 10:00 AM. Interested students must sign up with Ms. Jarman.
  • A representative from Marywood University will be visiting GNA on Friday, September 15th at 11:00 AM. Interested students must sign up with Ms. Jarman.
  • A representative from Hampshire College will be visiting GNA on Monday, September 18th at 8:30 AM. Interested students must sign up with Ms. Jarman.
  • A representative from Lebanon Valley College will be visiting GNA on Tuesday, September 19th at 8:30 AM. Interested students must sign up with Ms. Jarman.
  • A representative from Harrisburg University of Technology will be visiting GNA on Thursday, September 21st at 8:30 AM. Interested students must sign with Ms. Jarman.
  • A representative from Ursinus College will be visiting GNA on Thursday, September 21st at 11:00 AM. Interested students must sign up with Ms. Jarman.
  • Thursday, September 21st at 6:30 PM in the High School Cafeteria is the first Financial Aid Information Session of the year. Students and their parents are encouraged to attend this presentation hosted by Ms. Jarman and our Pennsylvania Higher Education Assistance Agency (PHEAA) representative, Linda Pacewicz. More details can be found on Ms. Jarman’s website.
  • Friday, September 22nd is the deadline to register for the October 28th ACT. You must have completed the online registration process, uploaded a valid photo, and submitted payment information by 11:59 PM on the 22nd in order for the registration to be complete. Students may always see Ms. Jarman for help with the registration process.
  • A representative from Shippensburg University of Pennsylvania will be visiting GNA on Tuesday, September 26th at 8:30 AM. Interested students must sign up with Ms. Jarman.


A representative from Cedar Crest College will be visiting GNA on Thursday, September 28th at 11:00 AM. Interested students must sign up with Ms. Jarman


  • Janene Holter from the Attorney General’s Office will be here Monday September 11th.  Her presentation will be on Cyberbullying.  She will speak to the 6th, 7th, and 8th grade classes individually in the auditorium.  She will speak to the classes about social media and the implications of its misuse  and show two videos. Her discussion will center around internet safety as well as avoiding negativity and disrespect  on social media that interferes with the educational process and is hurtful towards others.   Her topics will also tie into suicide prevention awareness month.




9:30 Homecoming Practice



Class Color Day in HS

8:00-11:00 Bon Fire Preparation

(Senior Sport Captains, Student Council and Homecoming Court)

9:30 Homecoming Practice

12:30 Spirit Games

6:00 p.m. Pep Rally

6:30 p.m. Bon Fire

7 p.m.-9 p.m. Homecoming Dance



GNA Day- Trojan Pride


5:00 Homecoming Reception


Blue Cafeteria


5:45 Enter cars for parade to Football Field


Homecoming Court


6:00 Stadium Events


6:20 Band Begins on Field


6:35 Introduction of Court


6:45 Crowning of Ms. GNA


6:55 National Anthem/Band


7:00 Kick-off