Kennedy Early Childhood Center
School Expansion Project Projected to be Completed in May of 2018.
On April 27, 2017, the groundbreaking of the new Kennedy Early Childhood Center on the Greater Nanticoke Area campus was held. School officials, students, and parents had the opportunity to attend.
The ceremony began with superintendent, Dr. Ronald Grevera, giving his remarks on the project. All of the invited students led the crowd in the Pledge of Allegiance and Rev. James Nash was asked to give an invocation.
Students from K.M. Smith were given hard hats and shovels and were the first ones to “break-ground” on the site of the new Kennedy Early Childhood Center.
The new childhood center is projected to be finished in May of 2018, allowing approximately a year for construction to begin and conclude. It may seem like a short deadline, but with all of the work being put into it, it should follow according to plan. As Mr. Peter Ortiz, the lead project architect, had said during his speech at the ceremony, as he was holding the blueprints of the project, “The plans are like a cocoon… They will unfold into a beautiful butterfly right before our eyes.”
I had the opportunity to interview Dr. Ronald Grevera and he gave a few remarks on the project. He said that K.M. Smith was built in the 1930s and simply is not up to par with the rest of the school buildings. It does not have an elevator and is not handicap accessible. Once construction commences, Pre-K through second grade will be held in the Kennedy Early Childhood Center. This will allow teachers to coordinate to the curriculum, as all primary teachers will be together on the same campus. They will work collectively to create a positive learning environment for our youngest students in the district.

I have been writing and designing for the GNA Insider for 2 years now. I plan to major in journalism and attend Emerson College in Boston, Massachusetts,...