Bluestar is a pale blue-gray she-cat with blue eyes. Bluestar was the leader of ThunderClan in the forest territories. She was a proud and deeply committed leader. She was born as Bluekit beside her sister Snowkit to Moonflower and Stormtail. She was apprenticed early as Bluepaw with her mentor being Stonepelt. However, after a devastating battle against WindClan, Moonflower was killed and Stonepelt retired, resulting in Sunfall being Bluepaw’s new mentor. Goosefeather gave her a prophecy, though she didn’t think much of it. She raised Snowfur’s kit, Whitekit, after her sister was killed by a monster after trying to chase off ShadowClan invaders. Bluefur fell in love with the RiverClan warrior Oakheart and accidentally had his kits. She knew this would stop her from becoming deputy. When she knew the current deputy, Tawnyspots, was on his death bed, she brought her three kits to RiverClan to live with their father and she could become deputy. Sunstar appointed her as deputy after Tawnyspots passing and she soon became leader as Bluestar.
After Spottedleaf received a prophecy, Bluestar invited a young kittypet named Rusty to join ThunderClan, renaming him Firepaw, and mentored him. Despite warnings from Fireheart, Bluestar trusted her deputy Tigerclaw, until he tried to murder her during a battle, and she banished him, which sent her into a depressive state and made her turn against StarClan. After Bluestar sacrificed herself to save ThunderClan, Mistyfoot and Stonefur forgave her, and she ascended to StarClan where she became mates with Oakheart again and reunited with her kin, feeling at peace. While in StarClan, she granted Firestar, Blackstar, Mistystar, and Bramblestar one of their nine lives.
Bluestar in The Prophecies Begin
After Spottedleaf, the ThunderClan medicine cat, receives a prophecy foretelling fire saving the Clan, Bluestar invites a flame-colored kittypet named Rusty to join ThunderClan, where he is named Firepaw. When news arrives of her deputy Redtail’s death, Bluestar names Lionheart his replacement. She takes on Firepaw as her apprentice, teaching him how to become a warrior. While returning from the Moonstone, their patrol is attacked by rats, causing Bluestar to lose one of her nine lives. Upon returning to camp, ShadowClan is revealed to have attacked and claimed the life of Lionheart. Thereafter, Bluestar names Tigerclaw the new deputy.
Sometime after, Bluestar loses another life to greencough. When Fireheart reveals that Tigerclaw killed Redtail, Bluestar refuses to believe him and remains confident in her deputy. However, after Tigerclaw attempts to kill her, Fireheart saves Bluestar’s life and is named deputy, while Tigerclaw is exiled. In light of Tigerclaw’s betrayal, Bluestar’s grief blinds her judgement, and she begins to distrust all of Clanmates, barring Fireheart. After a fire destroys ThunderClan’s territory, Bluestar adamantly insists that StarClan has betrayed them, and her faith in them is shaken even further. Because of this lack of faith in her ancestors, Clanmates, and her deteriorating mental state, Bluestar also believes that WindClan has been stealing prey and prepares to launch an attack on them. Fireheart manages to arrange a peace meeting behind her back, however, and is able to successfully stop the battle. Bluestar feels betrayed, claiming she was leading a Clan of traitors, and speaks to Fireheart about his actions afterward.
Later, when RiverClan invades Sunningrocks, Bluestar is attacked by Mistyfoot and Stonefur, who Fireheart had earlier discovered to be her kits. He stops them from killing her by revealing her secret, and Mistyfoot and Stonefur are surprised and angered to hear they have been lied to by Graypool, the cat who raised them. While Bluestar begins to despise even Fireheart, she sacrifices herself to save him from the pack, falling into the gorge. Fireheart, Mistyfoot, and Stonefur drag her from the river, but Bluestar passes away, reconciling with her lost children and noting that she is at peace, now that her kits forgave her, and that she is free to join Oakheart in StarClan. In StarClan, Bluestar gives Firestar his final life for nobility, certainty, and faith and is one of the first to honor him with his leader name, Firestar.
Bluestar in The New Prophecy
As a StarClan cat, Bluestar chooses Brambleclaw as the representative from ThunderClan to travel to the sun-drown-place and appears to him in a dream. In the lake territories, she shows herself to Cinderpelt at the Moonpool to tell the medicine cat that she will soon be joining them in StarClan. Sympathetic, Bluestar tells her that she will not face her death alone. In Leafpool’s dream after she returns to ThunderClan, Bluestar informs her that she will walk a path few have walked before, and StarClan will be with her every step of the way.
Bluestar in Power of Three
Leafpool meets Bluestar at the Moonpool and informs StarClan that Graystripe had returned to ThunderClan, bringing Brambleclaw’s position of deputy into question. While pleased Graystripe was safe, Bluestar states that Firestar should listen to his head, not his heart, and asks Leafpool to pass the message to her father. Later, she stubbornly insists that Yellowfang and Spottedleaf should keep the truth a secret from Lionpaw, Hollypaw, and Jaypaw. Yellowfang later attacks Bluestar for keeping it a secret for too long, but Bluestar insists she believes Brambleclaw and Squirrelflight were both good parents to the Three.
Bluestar in Omen of the Stars
Bluestar meets with other StarClan cats about the third cat in the prophecy after losing Hollyleaf. Yellowfang wants to send an omen to the third, firmly believing they have the right three. Bluestar disagrees, insisting the third cat is already powerful, but is outvoted. When Jayfeather tries to speak to Ashfur in StarClan, Bluestar stops him from talking to the starry cat, and reaffirms Ashfur’s place in StarClan, much to Jayfeather’s astonishment. She later meets with several members of the Tribe of Endless Hunting, including their ancient leader Half Moon, to prepare for the final fight against the Dark Forest. She is joined by Midnight, a mysterious but all-knowing badger, and Rock, a spirit older than StarClan itself. After StarClan is recruited by the medicine cats, Bluestar participates in the Great Battle, and guides Firestar to StarClan after he has lost his final life.
Bluestar in A Vision of Shadows
At a meeting of former leaders, Bluestar gently encourages Firestar to speak his mind, but Crookedstar cautions her against that. Rowanclaw joins them, and Bluestar questions if his son, Tigerstar, would challenge SkyClan’s place at the lake. She warns about the downfall of one Clan being the destruction of all, including StarClan and their existence, and dryly wonders how many times the Clans need to be told that peace is the answer.
Bluestar in Bluestar’s Prophecy
Bluekit is born to Moonflower and Stormtail alongside her sister Snowkit. She soon becomes an apprentice called Bluepaw with Stonepelt as her mentor. She struggles to focus on her training after her mother is killed in battle, and Sunfall, her new mentor, reminds her of her duty to the Clan. Bluepaw also befriends Crookedpaw, but soon learns that friendship cannot last with cats from other Clans. Goosefeather gives her a prophecy foretelling her downfall by water. As a warrior, Bluefur meets Oakheart, a RiverClan warrior, and they fall for each other. When Snowfur dies on the Thunderpath, Bluefur resolves to look after her son, Whitekit, despite his father, Thistleclaw’s, objections. She doubts Thistleclaw further after he goads Tigerpaw into attacking a defenseless kit. Bluefur trains Frostpaw, and agrees to meet Oakheart at Fourtrees. She learns that she’s expecting his kits, and Thrushpelt offers to let the Clan think he is the father. Bluefur gives birth to three kits, Mistykit, Stonekit, and Mosskit, and after seeing a vision of Thistleclaw drenched in blood, she decides to give up her kits to RiverClan. Mosskit dies on the journey, and Bluefur is chosen as the new ThunderClan deputy and later becomes leader.
Bluestar in Crookedstar’s Promise
Bluepaw meets Crookedpaw at a Gathering, and the two joke around and share their dreams about becoming leaders of their Clans. They soon end up in battle at Sunningrocks, and with the help of Snowpaw, she beats him. At a later Gathering, they meet again as warriors. Bluepaw is now called Bluefur, and Crookedpaw has now been renamed to Crookedjaw. During a later visit to RiverClan, she meets Crookedjaw again, who is now deputy, as part of a patrol to take back Sunningrocks without a fight. After they leave, Ottersplash asks Crookedjaw if Oakheart had seemed rather friendly with Bluefur as she had seen Oakheart talking to the ThunderClan warrior on their way back. When his brother brings Mistykit and Stonekit to RiverClan’s camp, Crookedstar asks Oakheart if they are his and Bluefur’s children. Oakheart explains that Bluefur had given them up so she could be ThunderClan’s deputy instead of Thistleclaw.
Bluestar in Spottedleaf’s Heart
Bluefur and Thistleclaw bicker about Whitepaw wasting feathers and Tigerpaw learning battle moves too advanced for his age. Spottedpaw witnesses Thistleclaw order Tigerpaw to attack a tiny kit trespassing, but Bluefur objects to the kit as a reasonable threat. Bluefur agrees with Stormtail that her father was feeling well to go on a patrol despite Spottedpaw’s claims. When her father becomes suddenly ill, Bluefur cares for him and thanks Spottedpaw for saving him. Spottedpaw, now a medicine cat apprentice, assists Bluefur with the birth of her kits, and suspects that Thrushpelt was not their father. She tries to convince Bluefur not to lose hope when Thistleclaw is suspected of becoming the next deputy. She watches Bluefur sneak her kits out of camp and trusts her to do the right thing.
Bluestar in Redtail’s Debt
Bluefur leads a patrol to attack RiverClan, but they are attacked by a hawk while crossing the Twoleg bridge. She orders her patrol to hide, but Redtail is caught in the open, and Tigerclaw saves him. Bluefur becomes deputy, and Redtail notes how solemn she has become after losing her kits. During a raid on WindClan, Bluefur is gravely injured, and Redtail calls a retreat, much to Tigerclaw’s dismay. Moons later, Redtail becomes Bluestar’s deputy, and Bluestar is hesitant to fight for Sunningrocks with very few warriors available. However, Tigerclaw convinces her to send a small patrol to mark the border.