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What would Swiftpaw’s warrior name be?

What would Swiftpaw's warrior name be?
What would Swiftpaw’s warrior name be?

Swiftpaw was a black-and-white tom who was mauled by dogs in A Dangerous Path. He fought the dogs with Brightpaw so that they could prove themselves to Bluestar that they deserved warrior names. Swiftpaw ended up dying but if he had survived, what warrior name would Firestar have given him?


The suffix ‘storm’ means a cat with an unpredictable and dynamic nature. Swiftpaw was quite an interesting cat. At his apprentice ceremony, he was nervous to go touch noses with his new mentor, but Longtail assured him everything was alright. When Cloudkit was brought into the Clan, he seemed to pick up his mentor’s hate for kittypets and sneered at the kit. Even after all his unpredictable nature, Swiftpaw was definitely brave.


The suffix ‘heart’ means a cat with strong morals. Swiftpaw had strong morals for becoming a warrior and had been killed while trying to prove it. He’d been so overcome with anger at Cloudtail becoming a warrior before him, that he got the crazy idea for fighting the dogs. But Brightpaw had been given the name Brightheart, so let’s look at other names as well.


The suffix ‘feet’ means a cat that is very good at running, and subsequently, very fast on their paws. Swiftpaw was very fast, that’s why Fireheart had told him to go back to camp and fetch reinforcements during one of the many battles at Sunningrocks. If he hadn’t gone back to camp for more cats, then maybe he’d been given Swiftfeet as his warrior name.


The suffix ‘fur’ means an average cat. Swiftpaw wasn’t just an ordinary cat, but he might’ve been named for his black-and-white fur patterns.


The suffix ‘fern’ means a cat who is agile and swift. Swiftpaw was definitely swift, but not that agile. If he’d been agile enough to survive the dogs, maybe he’d been named Swiftfern with Brightheart at his side.


The suffix ‘claw’ means a cat skilled in fighting. Swiftpaw had trained for longer than any apprentice and had obviously been trained with excellent fighting skills. He fought the dogs like all of LionClan, as Brightheart said, which means he was exceptional at fighting. He could’ve been named Swiftclaw after he ferociously fought off those dogs.

Which name do you think Swiftpaw would’ve gotten if he’d survived the dog attack?

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