What’s your most memorable accomplishment?
During middle school, I was accepted into three different books for publication, for short stories I wrote.
What are your hobbies outside of school?
I like to play Dungeons & Dragons, board games, and video games.
Who’s your favorite teacher and what’s your best memory with them?
My favorite teachers are a tie between Mr. Carey and Mr. Fedorko. My favorite memory with Mr. Carey happened just recently when he gave me the “will” of Julius Caesar. My favorite memory with Mr. Fedorko is when he told me a story of when he went fishing and somehow reeled in a rock.
What’s a silly fact that no one knows about you?
My uncle was on the team that invented the DVD, he also has the first DVD ever made hung on his wall.
What’s your wildest memory at GNA?
My most wild memory at GNA is probably the freshman homecoming last year.
What activities, clubs, or sports are you involved in at GNA?
I am involved in a few after-school activities such as Board game club, Chorus, and Key club.
What are your plans after high school?
I would like to go to college to get a degree in some kind of psychology field and become a therapist or a psychologist.
What is your dream job?
As I said in the last question, I would like to be a therapist or a psychologist.
If you could have one superpower, what would it be and why?
If I could have any superpower I would like to be able to manipulate matter, meaning that I would be able to create anything I would like out of thin air.
What is an accomplishment you are proud of?
I am most proud of getting accepted into Upward Bound at Wilkes University.