As 2025 has reared around the corner and is now in full fruition, people have the motivation more than ever to start a new passion. January is not just labeled as a period of fresh starts, but also a period of rest. So as you find a cozy and ever growing passion, let this article help narrow down what aligns with your life.
Crochet has become popular these past few years, and while daunting, to start crocheting is something that grows with you and your skill set. Learning to crochet opens a world of possibility. From stuffed animals to clothing and accessories, crochet is the perfect thing to just sit and chill with a show going on in the background. Not to mention, crocheting is a fast working fiber medium, this leads to you being able to finish projects faster than knitting.
Another great past-time is sewing. This medium allows everything crochet does, but with less time needed to complete. Sewing is great for someone who is committed to the craft. While hand sewing is very prominent and easy to get into, things like sewing machines and fabric can get expensive, as well as patterns as these can be inexpensive but can pile up.
Reading is an activity that has been around for millennia, it is a hobby that can inexpensive as finding free PDF’s online, to spending a pretty penny on special edition books. Not to mention, reading can cost only a few dollars by getting a library card and providing you as many book as you can digest. Reading a full length book can be tricky with the lack of focus some may have, so reading a novella or short story can help with the long periods. But if you do choose to read more I encourage you to find authors you like or genres you adore, and take the time to delve deep into something that can be so special to a lot of people.
In tandem with reading, writing goes hand in hand. Writing is a form of art and should be treated as such, whether it be an article you read to a novel your starting, stringing words like the delicate beads they are into a piece beautiful jewelry is not an easy thing and can be quite draining. But with that aside, writing is also a beautiful act of human culture, as we are the stand alone species that can. So if you decide to pick up writing, whether that be orchestrating poems or crafting novels, this hobby can open your mind to new ways of looking at the world and its inhabitants.
Next would be art. Another medium that forces you to look at the world in new lenses, to see the environment around you in colors and shapes. Art is the expression of emotion through paints and pastels. Art is fluid and time consuming, but also extremely rewarding. This is practically free to start, all you need is a paper and pencil, after that as your mind and creativity grows so will your supplies. From oil pastels to interpretive pieces, art is an ever growing activity and I highly recommend it.
As you look through these options and you decide what it is you want to dive into next, remember that January is a time of rest and you should treat it as such. Have fun with whatever your doing, but remember to take time to relax and rest. Whatever it is you do in 2025, make it worth it, to yourself and others.