Every 15 years, there is always a new generation, and this year is no exception. Starting this year, the world will meet a new generation: Generation Beta. Gen Beta has dethroned Gen Alpha as the youngest generation. Gen Beta starts this year in 2025 and will end in 2039. Gen Beta will be born to younger millennials and older Gen Z.
If you didn’t know, Gen Alpha and Gen Beta are named from the Greek alphabet because the names are coined by an Australian research firm According to a Global News article. Something else mentioned in the article is that by 2039, Generation Beta will make up 16% of the world’s population.
The generation after Gen Beta is Gen Gamma which will be born between 2040 to 2054.
Another fun fact Generation Beta will live towards the 22nd century the oldest being in mid 70s and the youngest in the early 60s in the year 2100.
Sources used: Global News and USA Today