The image displayed is a comic created by Annaleia Rose and Peyton Guadarrama, featuring artwork by Elias Getts. It narrates the story of Mr. Carey’s 4th and 7th-period classes, which he claims are his favorites. As a result, the two classes engage in a debate about this claim.
In the first square, Mr Carey is telling Period 4 that they would rise up to defeat Period 7. The whole class agrees.
In the second square, Mr. Carey gives lollipops to everyone in period 4. There are none left for period 7.
In the third square, Mr Carey tells Period 7 that Period 4 robbed all the lollipops from them, and that they must defeat them for honor.
In the fourth square, it is saying that we’re heading over to the next day during period 4.
In the fifth square, period 7 and period 4 are fighting each other, and Mr. Zubritski is saying “Oh my gosh!”
In the sixth and final square, Mr. Zubritski asks Mr. Carey why his students are fighting. Mr. Carey says “No clue,” even though he is wearing a red ribbon around his head as if he is in karate, his shirt is ripped up and he has eye black on.
(Nobody was actually injured while making this comic. It is just for comical purposes)