John Guszak: super-student by day, whistling hero by night
A snowball smashed into my face and I angrily looked up from my phone screen to see my friends bent over laughing across the parking lot. I sighed, shook my head and joined them as we boarded the fan bus destined for the Nanticoke boys basketball state semifinal game.
Then, we all settled in for the hour and a half long trip to Freedom High School.
When we went on field trips in grade school, the bus ride was always the highlight of our day. We enjoyed the long rides in the back of the school bus, not because of the uncomfortable grey seats, or the way the yellow machine roughly bounced over every tiny pebble in our path, but because of the time we got to spend laughing with our best friends.
This outing to Freedom High School was no exception.
Amidst the stories and jokes, the topic of whistling rose to the surface of the conversation. Immediately my friends and I told the entire bus that a member of our party, John Guszak, was hands down the best whistler in the city of Nanticoke. Naturally, everyone was curious and started badgering him to whistle us a tune. He gained his composure, put his lips together, and blew.
Never had my ears been filled with a sweeter sound, an almost magical melody. Until that day, I had deemed it impossible for a human body to manufacture an object of such auditory pleasure.
After he finished, we were all silent for a while, just looking at him with eyes full of awe, then all at once, we broke out into wild applause. For the rest of the bus ride, we heard people whispering to each other about John’s fantastic talent.
Since then, we have decided to celebrate this date, March 21st, annually as “Whistling Day” to honor our comrade’s great talent.
I sat down with this young superstar for an interview concerning his fantastic talent.
When did you first begin to whistle?
I began to whistle way back when I was a young lad.
Is your whistling ability a natural talent or a honed skill practiced for a long period of time?
I would have to say that it is a natural talent that I continue to improve upon.
What is your best memory as an amateur whistler?
My best memory is whistling “Chill Bill” by Rob $tone for all of my bros.
Is there anyone in particular to whom you owe your success in the whistling world?
The only thing I owe my success to is my own beautiful wind pipes.
Is a career in whistling something that you possibly see in your future?
I can see myself being the greatest whistler to ever live but it’s no big deal.

My name is Eric Jeffries, and I am a senior at Greater Nanticoke Area High School. In the fall, I play football and hold the honor of team captain. Outside...