The Mill Memorial Library, unbeknownst to many, has monthly activities planned out in advance for all to attend. The schedule for this month is as follows.
12th: Virtual bedtime story, 6-7 pm, registration required.
19th: Lakewood. 26th, virtual bedtime story, 6-7 pm, registration required.
6th: Drop-in craft: my funny Valentine ornaments, 2-6 pm.
13th: Drop-in craft: clay heart pinch pots, 2-6 pm.
7th: Story time, 11-12 pm. Homeschool hangout, 12-2 pm. Drop-in craft, my funny Valentine limerick card writing, 2-5 pm. Dungeons and Dragons, 4-6 pm.
14th: Story time, 11-12 pm. Homeschool hangout, 12-2 pm. Blind date with a book, 2-5 pm.
21st: Story time, 11-12 pm. Homeschool hangout, 12-2 pm. Community garden greenhouse seed starting, 2-6 pm. Dungeons and Dragons, 4-6 pm.
28th: Story time, 11-12 pm. Homeschool hangout, 12-2 pm. STEM Night, 4-6 pm.
1st: Story time, 11-12 pm. Drop in STREAM, 2-5 pm. Lego and game, 5-6:30 pm.
8th: Story time, 11-12 pm. Drop in STREAM, 2-5 pm. Fiber arts club: finger knitting, 5-6:30 pm.
15th: Story time, 11-12 pm. Puzzles and trivia, 5-6:30 pm.
22nd: Story time, 11-12 pm. Coding: Bowling bots battle, 5-6:30 pm.
29th: Story time, 11-12 pm. Experimental, 5-6:30 pm.
16th: Cupcake Wars, 12-3 pm. Registration required.