GNA CAMPUS – The Greater Nanticoke Area school district has an extensive sports program filled with many talented student-athletes from all different ages and backgrounds. From tackling in football to sparring in karate, 5th grader Andrew J. Ricci has always loved to surround himself with sports and athletic atmospheres.
My name is Andrew Ricci. I’m 10 years old and I’m in the 5th grade.
Do you like being in 5th grade?
Yes! I’ve learned a lot so far. I like my friends and my teachers, and the work is really easy.
What do you like the best about being in elementary school?
I like that the work is easy.
Do you play any sports?
I play football now. I’ve played basketball, baseball, and soccer. I also did karate for a year.
What sport do you like the best?
Definitely football. I really like the physical activity. It’s fun and it’s really good exercise.
How long have you been doing sports at GNA?
Since I was, like, 5. I started with soccer, then baseball, then karate, then basketball, then football.
Do you want to pursue sports in the future? Why or why not?
Yes! Sports are fun and football is the best sport I’ve ever played. I want to do it until I get into varsity, and I wanna do it in college, too.
What position do you play? Do you want to continue that, or try a different one?
I play defensive and offensive linemen. I really want to try tight-end, because I can catch but also block.
What’s the best win that your team had?
18 – 6, against the Freeland Whippets. I played the whole game and did really good, and we won!
What was your favorite moment on the field?
Probably the time that I caught a fumble. They dropped the ball, and I caught it so it was our ball. That was really awesome.
If you could play on any sports team in the future, what team would it be?
The Steelers! It’s my favorite team, and it’s my dream. I want to make my family proud and make The Steelers a better team.
What advice would you give to anybody who wants to pursue football?
Always pay attention. Work hard, and don’t let anybody stop you from doing what you want!
Is there anybody you want to give a shoutout to?
Shoutout to Matt for interviewing me, and my family, and a shoutout to Coach Darion, and the Jr Trojans B Team!
Sports are extremely important to people all around the globe. In this interview, we can see that Andrew is extremely passionate about his sports and loves what he does. We can also see that it puts him in a great mindset, something that would benefit all young people long-term.
Andrew hopes that his story inspires other kids his age to get involved in extracurricular activities and become their best selves.
Photography by DanFalk Designs